Dressage Technical Delegate and FEI Steward Veronica Holt passed away on 23 December 2014. The Scotland born Holt was 71 years old.
Holt started riding at the local pony club, but a fall but her career in the saddle on the back burner. Holt worked as a reporter for several British newspapers and magazines and later on moved to Canada, where she worked for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and Radio Canada.
After she moved to Colorado, Veronica picked up a life with horses again and quickly proved outstanding managing skills for show organization. She first became a technical delegate for the United States Equestrian Federation, and then was a Regional Director for USDF as well as an FEI steward.
In addition to being the chairperson of the USDF Technical Delegate (TD) Council, Veronica initiated the review of the TD checklist, researched the issue of liability insurance to cover dressage show officials and served on the committee to evaluate the USDF Council/Committee structure.
At regional level, Veronica served as the chef d'equipe for the Region 5 teams at the North American Junior/Young Rider Championships. ocally Veronica has served as president of the Rocky Mountain Dressage Society (RMDS), developed the RMDS TD program, managed Region 5's first CDI, and serves as an advisor to other CDI managers and as a mentor to TDs.
Holt was named the U.S. Dressage Federation’s Volunteer of the Year in 2006 and worked tirelessly for dressage in the United States.
"She lived a life full of adventure, passion, dedication, determination and strength," Veronica's daughter Sally Hayes wrote on Facebook. "She loved her family, friends, the outdoors, traveling, birding, gardens, dressage, bridge, puzzles and so much more. She was an inspiration to me and so many. Her legacy will carry on for years to come. She has requested a private family service. Thank you to all of her friends who cared about her and made her laugh. You meant the world to her."
Photo © Mary Phelps
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