After establishing the successful equine trading website Findadressagehorse.com, young British horse dealer Peter Tomlinson is now venturing east and has been put in charge as head of sales of an Asian oriented sport horse centre in The Netherlands. Peter will be managing equiries outside Holland with a special focal point on matching Asian riders to the right top quality dressage horses.
"The Asian people are willing to buy high quality horses and seem very passionate and determined to succeed," Tomlinson explained. "However what many traders find is the education of the training and the after care to keep these animals in top form are lacking. So the best way round this, I feel, is to sell the horses with training packages included to educate the rider and the horse before the horse flies to Asia. Of course this is not going to be practical for all, but if necessary I do have well established trainers willing to fly out there to help with the education and there are a few top trainers living out there now and it's a case of connecting them."
The 28-year old Tomlinson put his career as part time model on the back burner four years ago to begin working as an equine broker matching clients to the right dressage horses. So far Peter has sold horses to nine different countries and was able to secure, for instance, the licensed Dutch warmblood stallion Cadans M for Great Britain.
Peter's company Find A Dressage Horse Ltd. has on the books a powerful collection of highly talented dressage horses from novice to Grand Prix level. Tomlinson works with the world's best high performance trainers/breeders and his services have been used by some of the worlds top riders.
"Peter is an old friend and is one of the only people I rely on and trust to find me the right horse," said British FEI rider Charlie Hutton. "The trips abroad are amazing and I'd highly recommend Find a Dressage Horse to anyone".
As one of Europe's top young agents for dressage horses, Tomlinson has extensive show experience competing internationally as a young rider. His focus lies on brokering horses, but Peter also worked as a professional rider and trainer. He has the ability to match a rider's experience, skill and ambitions to the right horse.
"It's incredibly important to be aware that clients have varying levels of ability. It is essential that I put the trainability, talent, and temperament of the horses at the forefront of my mind to ensure the right match is found. Whether clients are looking for a nice amateur horse or pony or a world class competition horse, I have reliable connections in Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Holland. I never advise a person whether they should buy a horse. I believe they should experience that click-moment with a horse for themselves. Most often they are helped by their own trainer or a hired consultant."
Peter believes that a horse broker should provide a hassle free experience to clients. "Buying trips in Europe can be arranged. Everything is booked in advance so that the clients can fully enjoy viewing the horses," said Peter. "I have a car ready to pick you up from the airport which takes you to see the horses. You will be shown at least four to six horses in a day depending on availability and appointments."
For more information, Peter can be reached at + 44 791 525 07 08 or via email at peter@professionaldressage.com
www.findadressagehorse.com or Facebook www.facebook.com/findadressagehorse