Daniel Ramseier Follows Heart to Germany and Takes Horse Business to the Next Level

Mon, 02/02/2015 - 16:35
Eurodressage F.O.C.U.S.

Olympic dressage rider Daniel Ramseier has relocated from Switzerland to Germany to expand his horse sales business at the gorgeous, state of the art yet intimate equestrian centre "Sportpferde Im Brook" in Ibbenbüren, Germany. Together with his partner Silve Dietrich-Osten, Daniel sets himself apart from other horse agents by offering straight forward advice, outstanding guidance in the sale process, as well as training and after care.

As a respected international dressage rider Daniel Ramseier has build up a huge network of loyal clients that rely on his expertise and connections to find the right horse. By moving from Switzerland to Germany, Daniel has taken his horse business to the next level at his own private yard in Ibbenbüren, which offers all the facilities and luxuries for the demanding dressage rider, owner and buyer.

From Switzerland to Germany

The three time Swiss Olympian was destined for a career in dressage. His mum Doris Rasmeier won silver at the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal and together with her husband Alfred, she founded the family's dressage and commercial stable in Horgen, Switzerland in 1961. Daniel sold the operation to the Staubli family in October 2011.

"Switzerland does not really have a growing market. There is little room to have horses there and they are very strict on building permits," the 57-year old Ramseier explained. Furthremore for his business Switzerland proved to be a bit too remote. "Now I'm more centrally located. I'm in the heart of the horse world."

Ramseier's stable Sportpferde Im Brook is perfectly located near Osnabruck, Germany, 15 minutes from the Munster-Osnabruck airport, a stone's throw away from the Verden, Vechta, as well as Munster breeding head quarters of the Hanoverian, Oldenburg and Westfalian society. Licensings, breed shows, foal championships, and auctions as well as all major German international dressage competitions are set right near his yard. Im Brook is a hub for the ambitious dressage rider being close to Germany's most renowned dressage trainers.

Following His Heart and Mind to Ibbenbüren

With his Swiss stable offering no possibilities for expansion, Daniel decided to sell his parents' yard and move closer to the centre of all horse action in Germany. Three years ago he acquired the abandoned property Im Brook just in time before an executorial sale took place. He has now renovated the entire yard up to standard.

"When I saw the property it was ruined, but I had a vision of what it could look like," Ramseier reminisced. "The sponsor of an international eventing rider was also interested in it, so I had to move quickly. I called him and made an agreement. We agreed that I had to make a donation to a children's foundation and find him a nice pleasure horse in exchange for him giving me the option to buy the land."

During the real estate transaction another match was made: Daniel met his partner Sylve through German lawyer and FEI rider Michael Klimke, who helped Daniel sign the property deal. Osten-Heinrich was also looking to buy a new facility but ended up prospecting two kilometers further down the road. "I didn't buy the barn, but ended up with a horse there," said Sylve. "I got the girl and the barn," Daniel quipped.

The totally revamped stable Im Brook has a a gorgeous indoor arena with glass windows all around for the light to flow in. It was originally used as an airplane storage. A separate, spacious stable has 25 large stalls, each with a window for the horses to look outside. The property is surrounded by lush fields, pastures and paddocks and has a 20 x 60 outdoor arena. All rings have geopad footing and the yard is wonderfully landscaped exuding an Asian touch with a terrace, pagoda, waterfalls and a swimming pond for relaxation. The 10 hectare property is encircled by a wonderful walk and canter track.

The farm also boast a special quarantine section so the horses can stay in a trusted environment before being shipped abroad. "We can keep the horses in full training before their flight. It is so much better to provide a stress free environment for them before they are shipped," Ramseier explained.

The 40-year old Dietrich-Osten stressed that to them is paramount the horses are turned out on a daily basis. "All our horses go out in the field, even the million euro ones," she said. "Horses that don't go out look depressed. Their face changes when they have turnout, they get a sparkle in their eye and start to live!"

Lifting the Business to the Next Level

While Ramseier is no longer riding actively, he can still be found in the arena on a daily basis doing in-hand work, double lunge-lining, and teaching the horses piaffe and passage. Ramseier learnt the in-hand work from legendary trainer Fredy Knie of the Swiss National Circus. Silve runs her own business alongside Daniel's and is often on the road scouting for horses.

"Our clients come to us without having seen videos. They trust our opinion and our taste in horses. We have a nice group of clients and a good network of horse owners. We fly everywhere to find the right horse," said Silve. "We offer something completely different than other horse dealers. We don't put clients in a car with an agent, who hasn't even seen the horses live and work based on a Youtube video, just working for that commission fee. We don't drive our clients around in circles!"

Ramseier works with a very loyal network of horse owners and breeders he can rely on. "It is very important not to upset a client by taking them to a barn and show a nice horse, but then overnight the price goes up with 100,000 euro or the horse is no longer for sale. That is why we own most horses ourselves. We treat our clients the way they deserve - with respect - and we aim to fulfil their needs instead of pushing a horse onto them they are not convinced of," Daniel added. "They want to come to one place, instead of driving around for thousand of kilometers, visiting thirty barns where you are not even offered a coffee."

Daniel and Silve are assisted in the daily work by Italian working student Riccardio Sanavio. The couple is also fostering Spanish young rider Patricia Arroyo at Im Brook. "Patricia bought a horse with us and she liked it here so much she decided to move to Germany and switch schools. She now lives here at the yard and can combine school with focused riding," Daniel explained. Arroyo is actually an exception as Ramseier wants to focus more on sales than training clients.

"Our clients know that we are serious horse people," Silve explained. "When they see our facility and our house here on the premises they know where are not running away. I've never seen anyone so committed as Daniel. He helps to solve any problem, he helps in the training, he'll take back a horse to find a solution. That is the recipe for our success."

Ramseier Exclusivity and VIP Treatment

Discretion is key to Ramseier and he respects the wishes of his clients to stay anonymous when they buy horses through him. "We work on being private and exclusive," Daniel stated. "The only thing I can say is that I recently had three horses in the 2014 Asian Games and three in the 2014 Central American and Caribbean Games," said Ramseier with a smile.

Ramseier is a firm believer that it is better to nurture talent than go for that quick sale. "Nowadays it pays off to keep a horse longer and train them well. It is very hard to find the high quality horses. We try to own the horses ourselves so that we can prove that we stand for our products."

Daniel is proud of his heritage and works with Swiss efficiency when it comes to service. "It's a Swiss thing. From the moment they book their flight, I am available to them around the clock. I want to know my client and make the perfect fit. If we don't have the right horse, our clients have the patience to wait until we found it. We build long-term relationships."

Ramseier also prides in his after care service, when clients have bought a horse from him."We deliver the horse, stay there for a few days, especially when it's amateur riders who need a bit more time to get used to a horse. We offer the tack with the horses so clients don't have to worry about finding a well fitting saddle and bridle. We always try to go a bit further than the rest. We go more into the details. It is a whole package! Having been in sport myself as an Olympian, clients appreciate the care and concern," said Daniel.

Sportpferde Im Brook has a nice collection of talented sport horses for sale including Codiak, a 6-year old Cristallo x Carabas offspring that finished fourth at the 2013 Bundeschampionate in Warendorf.

For more information, visit www.sportpferdeimbrook.de

Related Links
Eurodressage Photo Database: Daniel Ramseier
Daniel Ramseier Back in the Show Ring with Ferra
Scores: 1999 Swiss Dressage Championships
Scores: 1986 World Championships
Scores: 1984 European Young Riders Championships