His first public showing on German soil was awaited with great anticipation and the drop dead gorgeous black stallion Frascino, which Lodbergen stud director Urs Schweizer discoverd in Holland, enthused the audience at the sell out Stallion Show of Dressage Performance Centre Lodbergen in Vechta on 21 February 2016.
Frascino (by Furst Wilhelm x Don Frederico) showed himself as a true modern sport horse: beautifully elegant, ground covering and always with the ideal self carriage. Schweizer was more than pleased at the end of the show. "Frascino impressed with his strong performance. He looked at the sell out crowds in Vechta at with great interest but did not shy away from them. This is a highly sensitive horse but totally level in his mind. He is top in all three basic gaits and always loose in the body. The ideal riding horse," said Schweizer.
Frascino, who is closely related to the World Number One Desperados FRH (Kristina Bröring-Sprehe), was not the only one to impress the spectators. More of the Lodbergen stallions captivated the audience with their riders. Kira Wulferding showed the S-level movements on the double champion For Romance (by Furst Romancier x Sir Donnerhall I). Lukas Fischer presented Rock for Me (by Rock Forever x Florencio I), Dominy (by Diamond Hit x Pour Plaisir) and Royal Doruto (by Royal Hit x Rubinstein) and his horses showed their willingness to perform in an impressive way.
Laura Strobel of Team Dorothee Schneider presented the Trakehner reserve licesing champion, riding horse champion and elite stallion candidate Herakles (by Gribaldi x Michelangelo). Strobel rode the stallion, who has been trained by Dorothee Schneider and is owned by Gestut Hohenschmark, for the penultimate time. After the Trakehner Stallion Show on 27 February 2016 in Munster-Handorf she will hand over the ride to Lodbergen's head rider Theresa Nilshagen.
In Vechta Nilshagen not only skillfully presented the Oldenburg licensing champion and regional champion Follow ME OLD (by Furstenball x Donnerschwee), but she also let her Olympic candidate Dante Weltino OLD (by Danone I x Welt Hit II) dance. They were expertly commented on by their trainer Klaus Balkenhol.
The Lodbergen stallions will be presented to interested breeders and horse friends the next time on Saturday 27 February 2016 at the Riding Centre am Dobrock in Wingst, Germany. Their next event will be the Breeders' Spring Fling on Sunday 10 April 2016 in Lodbergen.
More info at www.dressurleistungszentrum.de