Following the successful two-day FEI Sports Forum in Lausanne (SUI), the Bureau met in FEI Headquarters for its spring in-person meeting on 6-7 April 2016.
Following evaluation of the judging in Dressage in 2015 and 2016 and taking into account experiences in other sports that have similar judging systems, the Bureau mandated the creation of a Dressage judging working group to improve judging of the discipline.
Asian Continental Championship
The Bureau accepted that Asian Continental Championships can be organised. Details have still to be finalised with the Technical Committees and the first championships will be possible from 2017.
Following the President and the Groups I and II Chairs visit to the Balkan region, it was agreed that the proposal for modifications concerning the Regional Championships be brought to the General Assembly in November. Under this proposal Regional Championships will be the responsibility of the relevant Regional Group or recognised Continental Association. A two-year transition will be applied.
Olympic & Paralympic Games
The Bureau was updated on the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games venue development and the FEI’s active role with the Rio 2016 Organising Committee.
Progress at the venue has accelerated following the appointment of a new contractor, and the Rio 2016 Organising Committee has assured the FEI that the venue will be ready on time.
It was highlighted that all qualified nations for the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games have confirmed take up of their slots (see news release listing all qualified nations here).
The FEI President thanked Luiz Roberto Giugni, FEI Executive Board member, Chair of FEI Group VI and President of the Brazilian National Equestrian Federation, for his extensive work on the ground with the Rio 2016 Organising Commiteee and Brazilian government agencies involved in the Games.
The Bureau was updated on the Youth Olympic Games 2018 in Buenos Aires (ARG) - the 3rd Summer Youth Olympic Games - regarding the acquisition of horses and venue development.
FEI Solidarity
The Bureau took note of the progress report on FEI Solidarity activities and the deadline to apply for FEI Solidarity assistance for 2017 as 1 July 2016. The next FEI Solidarity Committee meeting will take place on 1 September 2016 at FEI headquarters in Lausanne.
A detailed financial report, which showed the healthy financial situation of the organisation, was presented by the Chief Financial Officer. The financial statements 2015 was approved by the Bureau and will be submitted for approval at the General Assembly.
Grooms - FEI Family
The President proposed and the Bureau agreed that the relationship with grooms should be improved and that they should be registered and brought closer to the FEI Family.
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