Modern future stars you will find in the collection of the Elite Foal Auction on Saturday 27 August 2016 at the Oldenburg Horse Center Vechta. The brand new Elite catalogue gives you a first impression of the manifold collection. There will be foals in Vechta’s auction ring from sire stars such as the triple World Champion Sezuan, Fürstenball OLD, Franziskus, De Niro, Foundation, Grey Flanell, Morricone, For Romance I OLD, Bordeaux or the Olympian Dante Weltino OLD.
But not only the sires are famous; the dams of the foals in the collection are also perfect models of Oldenburg’s breeding philosophy – and they add a unique sportsmanship and style. The strong moving Boateng (by Buckingham - Stedinger - Lord Sinclair I) comes from the same dam as the silver medal winner at the World Breeding Dressage Championships in Ermelo/The Netherlands, Quel Filou OLD (by Quaterback).
Double Hit II (by Diamond Hit - Sandro Hit - Rubinstein I), a strong moving top-class youngster, is none other than the brother of the absolute top priced foal of the year 2015 Double Hit I and son of a series of successful Olympic suppliers.
The exclusive collection will be opened by a jewel of Oldenburg breeding: Dr. Weihegold (by De Niro - Sandro Hit - Figaro), a brother of Isabell Werth’s Olympic mare Weihegold OLD by Don Schufro. Weihegold OLD has had a fairy tale career in the dressage ring that has now been crowned with Olympic gold and silver in Rio. Her brother Dr. Weihegold is blessed with all the possibilities he needs to follow in the footsteps of his older sister. The sire of Dr. Weihegold is the star sire De Niro and he’s also the sire of Desperados who won an Olympic gold and bronze medal for the German dressage team under Kristina Bröring-Sprehe. Come to Vechta and secure your future Olympic Game winner.
You can use this link if you want to go directly to the collection using your browser. Please order the Elite catalogue directly in the Auction Office.
All interested guests are cordially invited to visit the exciting Elite Foal Auction at the Oldenburg Horse Center Vechta. The entrance is free. In case you are not able to attend, you can make your bids via telephone. Please contact the Auction Office for this purpose.
Consulting and customer service:
Dressage horses:
- Thomas Rhinow: +49 (0) 44 41-93 55 15 or rhinow.thomas@oldenburger-pferde.com
- Daniel Pophanken: +49 (0) 44 41-93 55 895 or pophanken.daniel@oldenburger-pferde.com
Show jumpers:
- Fabian Kühl: +49 (0) 44 41-93 55 51 or kuehl.fabian@oldenburger-pferde.com
General information/catalogues:
- Elisabeth Gerberding: +49 (0) 44 41-93 55 12 or gerberding.elisabeth@oldenburger-pferde.com
- Heike Arends: +49 (0) 44 41-93 55 31 or arends.heike@oldenburger-pferde.com
- Oldenburger Pferde Zentrum Vechta
Grafenhorststr. 5
49377 Vechta