Daily Diamond, Toto Jr, Four Legends Win First Leg of 2016-2017 KWPN Stallion Competition

Thu, 11/24/2016 - 13:44
2016-2017 KWPN Stallion Competition

The 4-year old Daily Diamond, the 5-year old Toto Jr and the 6-year old Four Legends became the winners of the first leg of the 2016-2017 KWPN Stallion competition circuit, which started with a first qualificatio in Ermelo, The Netherlands, on 23 November 2016. In the Guelderlander division Henkie won.

In the L-level division, Dana van Lierop and the Westfalian bred Daily Diamond (by Daily Deal x Furst Heinrich x Wolkentanz II) aced the division with 84 points. Two stallions scored 83 points. Marieke van der Putten steered the Brandenburg registered Trafalgar (by Totilas x Lord Loxley x Sandro Hit) to this score and placed second, while British Charlotte Fry and the NRPS licensed Don Joe (by Diego) ranked third on this score. 

"The image in the total performance was uphill. He walks with very good body usage and has much balance and self carriage in his movements. The canter is lightfooted and he has much technique," said judge Gert van den Hoorn about Daily Diamond. 

In the M-level division Marieke van der Putten and the Hanoverian Toto Jr (by Totilas x Desperados) topped the board with 89 points. The muscled black stallion was almost a bit overeager. The stallion scored 9.5 for walk, 9 for trot and 8.5 for canter.  Kirsten Brouwer and Guardian S (by Bodyguard x Trento B) were the runners-up, tying in second place with Adelinde Cornelissen on Governor (by Totilas x Jazz). Guardian could have showed more opening in the throat latch though

Judge Van den Hoorn commented that the winning ride was "a fantastic performance of Toto Jr and Marieke van der Putten. He has incredibly much talent and walk remarkably well. The trot has a lot of expression and he got a bit over-enthusiastic. The canter is pure quality in which he shows his talent for collection."

A small group was entered for the Z-level division. Philip van Ommen has smoothly taken over the ride on Four Legends (by Wynton x Ferro) and won the class. The trot scored a 9, but in walk the black lost the clarity in the rhythm (score 7). With an 8 for canter, Four Legends totalled 82 points. Franka Loos and the KWPN bred Foundation (by United x Jazz) finished second with 79 points. 

In the Guelderlander division at L and Z level, Adelinde Cornelissen and the Guelderlander Henkie (by Alexandro P x Upperville) took an easy victory with 87 points.  Sabrina Melotti and the KWPN licensed Edmundo (by Upperville x Modern) was second with 71 points.

Judge Johan Hamminga praised Henkie for being "a special stallion, who has three very good basic gaits. The walk is very clear, with good rhythm and he strides well from behind to the front. The trot is expressive with good rhythm and cadence and in canter he convinces with his self carriage, clarity and balance."

Photos © Anniek van Schaik

Results - 2016 KWPN Stallion Competition - Ermelo


  • 1. Dana van Lierop - Daily Diamond (by Daily Deal x Furst Heinrich) - 84
  • 2. Marieke van der Putten - Trafalgar (by Totilas x Lord Loxley) - 83
  • 3. Charlotte Fry - Don Joe (by Diego x Lord Leatherdale) - 83
  • 4. Vai Bruntink - Hennessy (by De Niro x Jazz) - 82
  • 5. Dinja van Liere - Total U.S. (by Totilas x Sir Donnerhall) - 81
  • 6. Diederik van Silfhout - Hometown (by Apache x Ferro) - 79
  • 7. Kirsten Beckers - Habbana (by Vivaldo x Van Gogh) - 78
  • 8. Jennifer Sekreve - Hitmaker (by Wynton x Cabochon) - 76
  • 8. Dinja van Liere - Hermes (by Easy Game x Flemmingh) - 76
  • 8. Larissa Pauluis - Valentin (by Vitalis x Fidermark) - 76
  • 11. Kristen Brouwer - Hummer (by Westpoint x Farrington) - 73
  • 12. Krista Lensing - Bright's Hero SB (by Bright Speed x Samber) - 68


  • 1. Marieke van der Putten - Toto Jr (by Totilas x Desperados) - 89
  • 2. Kristen Brouwer - Guardian S (by Bodyguard x Trento B) - 84
  • 3. Adelinde Cornelissen - Governor (by Totilas x Jazz) - 84
  • 4. Marieke van der Putten - Geniaal (by Vivaldi x Biotop) - 82
  • 5. Diederik van Silfhout - Galaxie (by Jazz x Future) - 82
  • 6. Kristen Brouwer - Ferguson (by Floriscount x Lauries Crusador xx) - 81
  • 7. Anna Blomgren - Glamourdale (by Lord Leatherdale x Negro) - 80
  • 8. Kristen Brouwer - Ghandi (by Bojengel x Tuschinski) - 80
  • 9. Charlotte Fry - George Clooney (by De Niro x Wolkentanz I) - 79
  • 10. Marieke van der Putten - Gironn (by Uphill x Ferro) - 77
  • 11. Adelinde Cornelissen - Grappa (by Fidertanz x Special D ) - 76
  • 12. Charlotte Fry - Crosby (by Chippendale x Flemmingh) - 75
  • 13. Laura Zwart - Ashwin van de Fryochborg (by Andretto x Flemmingh) - 63


  • 1.  Philip van Ommen - Four Legends (by Wynton x Ferro) - 82
  • 2. Franka Loos - Foundation (by United x Jazz) - 79
  • 3. Marlou de Ruijter - Feel Good (by Contango x OO Seven) - 76
  • 4. Franka Loos - Electron (by Ampere x Fidermark) - 72

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