Gotthilf Riexinger Retires as Stuttgart German Masters' Show Director

Sat, 11/26/2016 - 04:55
German Dressage News
Gotthilf Riexinger celebrated at the 2016 CDI Stuttgart

German 5* judge Gotthilf Riexinger has retired as show director of the Stuttgart German Masters after being 32 years on the job. Riexinger was honoured in a special ceremony at the show on 20 November 2016.

In 1985 Riexinger oined the CSI/CDI Stuttgart organising committee and under his direction transformer the event into one of the most celebrated indoor equestrian shows in the world.

Normally Riexinger would have stayed on the job until 2017 but the Stuttgart board has decided to cut that period short by one year against the judge's wishes. Carsten Rotermund, Andreas Krieg and Kai Huttrop-Hage are taking over the Stuttgart show direction. 

"I have a bit of a tummy ache," Isabell Werth told Dressursport Deutschland about Riexinger's retirement. "Gotthilf Riexinger knew how to bring together all top level disciplines - jumping, driving, and dressage. It won't be any easier in the future, but of course I hope that his successors will succeed."

Photo © Stephan Lafrentz

Related Links
Riexinger and Stuttgart German Masters Part Ways 
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