The 12-year old Danish warmblood bred Grand Prix gelding Hedelunds Mefisto has been sold to Australia. Hubertus Schmidt already announced the sale of his ride in October but now the name of the buyer has been revealed: Jemma Heran.
Mefisto has just come out of quarantine and will begin his competition career in Australia under Phil Bobic, who is the trainer of Queensland based show rider Jemma Heran.
Hedelunds Mefisto is bred by Rikke Kvist in Denmark and is by Michellino out of Chrevi's La Costa (by Matador). He was owned by Danish horse dealer Christian Vang-Lauridsen and his wife Vivi.
The bay gelding with his striking blaze on his face was trained up to Grand Prix level by Danish Joachim Thomsen. However in 2013 the owners sent the horse to Hubertus Schmidt in Germany to be sold. Schmidt and Mefisto competed at the CDI's in Munich, Frankfurt, 's Hertogenbosch and Hagen from 2014 - 2015.
Right after the 2015 CDI Hagen, Mefisto sustained an injury to his jaw and returned to Denmark to recover. Schmidt and Mefisto made their come back one year later at the 2016 CDI Hagen and also showed in Hamburg, where they won the Kur to Music. Those were the only two CDI's the horse did this year.
Photo © Astrid Appels
Related Links
Eurodressage Photo Database: Hedelunds Mefisto
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