Title defender Hans Peter Minderhoud and German contestant Jessica von Bredow-Werndl have both withdrawn from competing at the 2017 World Cup Finals in Omaha, NE, U.S.A. next week. Both their horses - Flirt and Unee BB - are not fit to compete and were pulled from the European flight that would take all dressage horses to the U.S.A on Saturday 25 March 2017.
Hans Peter Minderhoud and the Swiss warmblood Flirt (by Florestan) were the winners of the 2016 World Cup Finals in Gothenburg and title defenders in Omaha. Unfortunately the duo will not make an appearance in Omaha.
On Friday morning Hans Peter had ridden Flirt and all was fine but during his hand walk in the afternoon the horse appeared to be unlevel.
"Totally devasted," said Minderhoud. "Flirty is lame."
"In the afternoon he took him out for a handwalk before the flight and saw that his walk was not good," said Flirt's owner Glock. "We took him to the vet and he is injured. It will take some time for recovery and they can't compete at the World Cup Finals in Omaha. So sorry for that but horses first."
Jessica von Bredow-Werndl also withdrew because her ride, Beatrice Burchler-Keller's Dutch warmblood Unee BB (by Gribaldi), developed a colic right before the flight.
"Unee had a colic at the airport in Amsterdam and we decided not to take the risk and fly him to the USA," said Jessica. "Luckily Unee is fine now and on his way back home -that's all what counts now."
Jessica, her groom Zlotan and her mom were already in America awaiting the horse's arrival. "We flew earlier to welcome Unee here," said Jessica; "We're here in Omaha and trying to arrange our flights back."
Photos © Dirk Caremans
Related Link
Eurodressage Coverage of the 2016-2017 World Cup Circuit