The 13th ISES Equitation Science conference – ISES 2017 Down Under has been scheduled for 22 - 25 November 2017 and will be hosted at the Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.
The ISES 2017 Down Under conference will provide an environment for the exchange of ideas between equestrians of all disciplines, practitioners, academics, businesses and governments.
Equitation Science Researchers were invited to submit abstracts that fall within the deliberately broad theme of Equitation Science in Practice: Collaboration, Communication & Change. A wide range of abstracts under this theme have been received and we are looking forward to the research being presented at the conference.
The main topics discussed include:
- Putting Equitation Science into Practice: Collaboration, Communication & Change, Past, Present and Future
- The neurological basis of body language and its importance when working with horses
- Ethical and Welfare Considerations in the Equine Industry
Through Their Eyes: The Challenge of Assessing Equine Emotional State
- Achieving Human Behaviour Change within the Equine Industry
The main workshop has been titled: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants workshop
Sir Isaac Newton famously wrote; ‘If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants’ (nanos gigantum humeris insidentes) conveying the notion of discovering ‘truth’ by building on previous discoveries.
Most scholars are well aware of the valuable contribution made by the researchers who have preceded them. Although a young discipline, Equitation Science has certainly benefited from the seminal work contributed by influential intellectuals and practitioners from various domains. As we move into the second decade since our formation as an International Society, we want to acknowledge the great work that has gone before us. In moving forward, we also need to look back to recognise the learning and inspiration gained from the early Giants whose work we have drawn upon to provide some of the foundations of the work that will be presented at this conference.
In this workshop we will explore the foundations of Equitation Science and analyse some of the work that has influenced thinking and the direction of the research within the exciting applied discipline of Equitation Science.
There will be a series of four introductory talks:
- 1. Beyond Xenophon – learning from the early Equitation Science practitioners
- 2. Tinbergen’s questions and the importance of the fifth ‘Why’
- 3. Clever Hans, Skinner’s rats and the behaviourists
- 4. The appliance of Science – technological advances.
Each talk will be no longer than 10 minutes (plus 2 mins for questions) and will be given by one of the Society’s Hon. Fellows or a chosen guest speaker. These presenters will be asked to pull together information about the valuable contribution they feel their chosen two or three Giants have provided to a specified area of Equitation Science. The audience will then have the chance to ask questions and debate any issues during the panel discussion that will take place at the end of the talks. The final exercise will be an audience vote to decide upon who the most impressive Giant is considered to be.
For more information, visit equitationscience.com/conferences
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