The 2017 updates to the FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List and the WADA Prohibited List for human athletes have been released and came into force on 1 January 2018.
Amongst other things, cobalt has been added to the Equine Prohibited Substances List as a Controlled Medication with a threshold limit, ie. a positive test will not be triggered unless the level of cobalt exceeds the agreed threshold level of 100ng/ml of urine. The feeding of cobalt within normal supplements and feeds should not cause an issue. The normal use of vitamin B12, which also contains cobalt, is likewise not an issue. Anyone who is concerned about cobalt should speak to their vet.
Of particular note in the WADA Prohibited List for human athletes is the change to the maximum dose of inhaled salbutamol and salmeterol.
The WADA List Expert Group have confirmed that synthetic cannabidiol (i.e. CBD oil) is not a cannabimimetic and is therefore not prohibited under S8 Cannabinoids. However, athletes should be cautious about use of such products as cannabidiol extracted from cannabis plants may contain varying concentrations of THC (THC remains a prohibited substance).
Alcohol will no longer be prohibited in 2018. The International Federations of Air Sports, Archery, Automobile, and Powerboating will be able to apply and enforce protocols for alcohol use as they see fit.
Below you will find the FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List changes and the WADA Prohibited Substances List changes which will come into effect on 1 January 2018.
FEI Equine Prohibited Substance List changes 2018
WADA Prohibited Substance List changes 2018
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