At the 2018 Westfalian Saddle Licensing in Munster-Handorf on 25 - 27 March 2018, two stallions out of a small collection of five participants were approved for breeding.
Initially nine dressage bred stallions were entered for the saddle licensing. Five showed up and one already dropped out on day one for health reasons.
The saddle licensing includes a phase with an in-hand presentation on hard surface, followed by movement in freedom. On the next day the horses are presented under saddle and test ridden. Finally they are presented in hand in walk when the committee announces their verdict.
The licensing committee and guest judge rider Sebastian Heinze agreed to approve two colts: Ricarda-Maria Heidmayer's Oldenburg bred Just for You (by Jazz out of Seacloud (by Sir Donnerhall x Caprimond x Donnerhall)), and Karl-August Schulte-Varendorff's Westfalian bred Blue Hors Farrell son out of SPS Luciana (by Lord Loxley x Florestan x Akitos xx).
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