An embryo by Finest out of Weidyfleur II, the full sister to Valegro (by Negro x Gershwin), was the top seller of the first Brightwells Elite foal Auction held at the British Dressage Championships at Stoneleigh on 22 September 2018.
A collection of 20 foals was on offer, but the majority of the owners did not sell their foals as their reserve price had not been met, despite bids over 5,000£ for foals.
The best selling foal was an unborn one, an embryo by Finest x Negro, which sold for 15,000£
The fillies Penhaligon Flora Rosaria (by U-Genius out of urst Romancia) sold for £6,800, DC Dahlia (by Dream On x Imperio ) for £6,100, and Penhaligon Soleilette Aimee (by Freischutz x Soliman De Hus) for £5,000.
The colt Classiko (by Negro x Pik Polo) fetched £6,000, while a nameless filly by Ibiza x Ferro switched owners for £4,000.
Ricardo (by Beaulissimo x Gribaldi) found new owners for £4,500 and the same price was paid for Dream Boy (by Dream On x Rubin Star N) £4,500.