Australian Grand Prix rider Simone Pearce severly injured herself in a freak riding accident in Australia on Saturday 30 November 2018. Her mount suffered and died from an aortic rupture, crushing Pearce in its fall.
Exactly one week ago Pearce presented licensed stallin Bernay at the 2018 Oldenburg Althengstparade in Vechta, Germany, after which she flew back home to Australia for a short training and competition stint.
"Yesterday was undoubtedly the most devastating and horrific day of my entire equestrian career," Pearce took to Instagram. "While riding one very kind and generous horse in a training session ahead of today's show here in Sydney, the horse suddenly suffered a suspected aneurism and fell to his untimely death whilst I was on top."
Pearce sustained a string of injuries in the fall but is fortunately conscious and in good medical care.
Unfortunately when he fell he crushed me under him and has left me in the intensive care unit of the Liverpool hospital with a broken collar bone, six broken ribs in my chest, a punctured lung and a hematoma in my abdomen," she explained. "I am completely shocked and devastated by this freak event and my heart goes out to this very special horse's owners. (...) I am very grateful to have escaped this horrific accident without even more serious injuries and I hope for a speedy and uncomplicated recovery."
Pearce recently moved from having worked at Helgstrand Dressage in Denmark for eight years to Sabine Rueben's yard in North Germany where she became part of the Gestut Sprehe dressage team. Last February Pearce also fractured her arm falling off a young horse.
Photo © LL-foto
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