American Grand Prix rider Susan Dutta had other plans for her 50th birthday. Instead of partying she spent it in the hospital undergoing an emergency appendectomy.
Dutta celebrated her 50th birthday on 9 January 2019 but had to postpone the party.
"Not how I planned to spend my 50th Birthday," Susan took to Facebook. "Leave to me to draw attention to myself and attach the number 50 to it!! However I had a perfect night surrounded by my family and friends. (...).I will be rescheduling my big party soon when I can dance the night away as I had planned. All in all I am so blessed and loved. What more could you want."
Dutta is a long-time international Grand Prix rider. She has campaigned big tour horses Gumshoes, Golden Choice, Manette and Currency DC at Grand Prix level the past decade. In 2017 she retired Currency DC from competition sport. In 2018 she competed Figeac at international small tour level.
Susan Dutta is based in Wellington, Florida. Her husband Tim Dutta runs an international equine shipping business and has sponsored numerous dressage ventures in the U.S.A.
Photo © Astrid Appels
Related Links
Eurodressage Photo Database: Susan Dutta
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