Follow Him’s Schönweide shone as the celebrated Oldenburg main premium winner at the 2019 Oldenburg Stallion Licensing in Vechta, Germany, on Saturday 13 November 2019.
When deciding which stallion is to receive a main premium, not only the stallion’s achievements in sport but also the result of his performance test and, even more importantly, the quality of his first foal crop, are deciding factors.
The celebrated main premium winner of the Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes (OL) was Follow Him's Schönweide, born 2015, by Follow Me out of Bellissima PJF by Sir Donnerhall I - Rohdiamant - De Niro, bred by Jürgen Fetzer, Zimmern, and owned by Hengststation René Tebbel, Emsbüren.
The dark brown was a premium stallion at the 2017 Oldenburg licensing. Last year, the stallion completed his 14-day test with a final dressage score of 8.38, receiving 9.0 in each for the interior, character, motivation, rideability and third-party rider. He recently completed his 50-day test with an overall score of 8.51, earning a 9.0 for his walk. Follow Him's Schönweide was already successful in dressage tests for young horses under Pascal Kandziora.
The second place went to Fürst Toto, born 2015, by Fürstenball out of Thery by Totilas - Londonderry - Sandro Hit, bred and owned by Gestüt Lewitz, Steinfeld. The stallion was licensed in 2017. Last year, the dark brown completed his 50-day-test with a final score of 8.46, receiving a 9.0 each for his interior, character, motivation and walk.
The third ranked stallion was La Vie, born 2015, by Livaldon out of Sarafina by Scolari - Wolkenstein II - Ritual, bred by Heinz Gerdes, Hude, and owned by Dressurpferde Leistungszentrum Lodbergen. At the beginning of the year, La Vie completed his sports test and finished with a final score of 8.24. Under Therese Nilshagen the chestnut stallion was already victorious in dressage tests for young horses at class A.
Photo © LL-foto
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