Justine Boyer and Leah Winston became the USPRE High Point Winners at the 2020 Palm Beach Dressage Derby, a national and international dressage competition in Wellington, Florida, which took place on 26 February - 1 March 2020.
Palm Beach Derby History
The Palm Beach Dressage Derby is one of the oldest dressage shows in the country, with a rich and long tradition of recognizing outstanding performances in its history of more than a quarter century.
Many sport breed associations present their high point awards at the final awards ceremony on Sunday, and many of the winning pairs have gone on to represent their studbooks and countries outside of the United States.
The United States PRE Association has sponsored a PRE High Point award at the Derby since 2008, thanks to the generosity of Palm Beach Dressage Derby founder Janne Rumbough.
The USPRE High Point Series is designed to encourage PRE riders of all levels to train and compete in rated dressage shows.
Boyer and Winston, Derby USPRE High Point Winners
The 13-year old Children rider Justine Boyer and the 19-year old PRE Lentisco XVIII (by Zafiro XIV x Maceo) scored 71.968% to become the international High Point winner.
At national level Leah Winston and the 6-year old Doctor LXVI (by Estudiante LX x Femento) became the high point winner with 69.444%.
Winston is based at Brookview Dressage in Palm City, Florida. The chestnut Doctor LXVI is owned by Winston in partnership with Aimee Falcone, which they imported from Spain as a 4-year old.
For more information about the USPRE, visit www.usprea.com
Photos © Lily Forado
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