In corona times we are all ordered to stay at home, self quarantine, and do social distancing. With more time on your hands to spend online, Eurodressage launches a "Hit & Run" interview series so that you get to know the world's most famous dressage riders and personalities more closely.
Japanese Grand Prix rider Shingo Hayashi first represented his country Japan at the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou, where he finished fifth with Olga. Sponsored by Mr Shimoda, Hayashi has received a string of horses to compete. He won the 2014 Japan Grand Prix Championships and was team reserve for the 2016 Olympics. Aboard the former Danish Olympic team horse Clearwater he rode at the 2018 World Equestrian Games in Tryon. The 35-year old is currently competing Scolari and Fernando for a team spot for the 2021 Tokyo Olympics
Hit & Run - Shingo Hayashi
What is your earliest memory?
A piece of BBQ meat stuck in my throat when I was 5.
Which person alive do you admire the most and why?
My parents cause they have made me into who I am.
When were you the happiest?
When the horsne which I trainedn won the Japanese championship
What is your biggest fear?
The time when I have to say goodbye to my horses
What was your first thought today?
That I was thirsty
What is your most annoying character trait?
I'm too optimistic
Which trait do you dislike the most in other people?
What is your dearest possession?
My horses
If you look into the future, what do you see?
What makes you unhappy?
Sick horses
What is the love of your life?
Food and alcohol, it must be something tasty
What was the best choice you ever took in life?
To decide to become a dressage rider when I was 22
What's your guilty pleasure?
Touching and peeling off scabs
What do you owe your parents?
Who can sit next to you at your dream dinner table?
My best friends
What was the worst job you ever did?
Collecting ginkgo nuts, they smell soooo badly
What was your biggest disappointment in life?
When my grand mother, a close friend and my dearest horse died
What would you change if you can go back into the past?
Name one thing that would improve your quality of life?
A corona vaccine
What is your biggest achievement?
Competing at the World Equestrian Games in Tryon
What is the most important life lesson you have learnt?
To never give up
Where would you like to be right now?
In the competition arena
What's your favourite scent?
Ramen noodle
Which character would you dress up in for Halloween?
I don’t like dress up for Halloween
To whom would you like to say sorry?
No one
What does love feel like for you?
Getting a phone call from my parents
When are you most relaxed?
Drinking alcohol
What super power would you like to have?
Cooking skills: to be able to reproduce in the kitchen what I have eaten before.
When did you last cry, and why?
A month ago when my friend died
When were you closest to death?
A few years ago. My horse panicked in the truck next to me.
How do you want to be remembered?
As the best Japanese rider
Related Links
Shingo Hayashi Wins 2014 Japanese Dressage Championships
Yoshida, Fukuoka, Hayashi Win Trophies at 2016 CDI Tokyo
Japanese Team for 2016 Olympic Games Selected
Hayashi and Clearwater On Song at the 2017 CDI Gotemba
Kuroki and Toots Win Japanese Selection Trial for 2018 Asian Games
Japanese Team for 2018 World Equestrian Games Selected
Scores: 2010 Asian Games