The COVID19-virus has cast a large shadow over the Danish business and economy. Here at Helgstrand Dressage the time is now spend on strengthening the organization further by employing Morten Bradsted Nielsen as the new CFO.
Morten has a very impressive CV which counts several senior management positions in internationally acknowledge companies. The new CFO shall contribute to expand Helgstrand both on the position in the market and with the positive expansion the company experience.
Helgstrand Dressage is still a rather new company, but it belongs among some of the leading equestrian companies in the world. One by one Helgstrand adds some of the largest profiles to the organization, which already counts several prominent employees, such as Dr. Ulf Möller from Hof Kasselmann and Esben Møller from Blue Hors. Now Helgstrand can proudly present the newest employment a CFO with great international experience that can guide Helgstrand Dressage through the next step in the company’s development and expansion.
"We want the very best, to secure us being the very best we can. When Waterland Private Equity brought a part of Helgstrand the ambitions grew in becoming the leading equestrian company, but this demands skilled employees in order to fulfill the ambition. I am very pleased to welcome Morten, who can contribute with his analytical and financial experience due to his position as chief financial officer in international acknowledge companies," Andreas tells.
Morten Bradsted Nielsen’s experience includes senior management positions in various business’ from advertising to dairy companies and to a SaaS company. In all of these positions his key assignment has been as a strategic partner for the management of the companies, to provide the necessary analytic insight and prioritize the commercial expansion opportunities in the light of a profitable and sustainable perspective.
"I must admit that I am not particular familiar with the equestrian world, but I look very much forward to become a part of it and especially together with this very passionate team, that strives Helgstrand. I am very impressed with all of what the company has already achieved and I look forward to dive into the business model of Helgstrand and contribute with my experience in order to honor the ambitious expansion plan," Morten Bradsted Nielsen says.
Morten Bradsted Nielsen will have his first day at Helgstrand on 1 May 2020. He replaces Marianne Fog Jørgensen.
-- a Helgstrand press release
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