Dutch stallion owner Gert-Jan van Olst and his wife, Danish Olympic dressage rider Anne van Olst, are proud to present their first "online edition" of the Van Olst Sales with a collection of 10 home reared and trained young dressage horses.
Bidding starts on 5 June and will end on 8 June 2020.
This auction is the first edition of several online auctions Van Olst Sales will organize. The first collection for 2020 includes young 3 and 4-year old horses from their own breeding and rearing program. They are ten professionally trained youngsters, fulfilling the demands of dressage riders that are seeking affordable and trainable young stars with promise for the future.
Auction Horse in the Spotlight: Maxs-H
3-year old gelding by Glamourdale x Gribaldi x Uniform
Maxs-H is a son of world champion Glamourdale who has made his debut in the heavy tour with great success. This strongly built gelding has three excellent basic gaits in which the cooperative character is also extra noticeable. His dam Vetry is provisional keur and descends from the Grand Prix dressage stallion Gribaldi. Maxs-H's gray color gets away from great-grandfather Uniform.
Auction Horse in the Spotlight: Luckybird
4-year old gelding by Everdale x Metall x Levantos II
Energetic and a fenomanal technique are the first things that stand out when you see Luckybird. This eye-catching son of Everdale puts a smile on the face of everyone who rides him. Father Everdale is starting to become a great star in sport and breeding. Luckybird's mother, To Sydney, elite sport, was in the finals of the National Mare Inspection as a three-year-old and successfully competed Z2 dressage before being fully used for breeding. Grandfather Metall is a son of the strong inheriting Ferro who in turn is the father of Negro.
Auction Horse in the Spotlight: Manhattan
3-year old gelding by George Clooney x Negro x Wallstreet
A pleasure to work with. Although still somewhat green, this pearl already has a lot to offer for dressage. The powerful use of his hind leg is very noticeable in the trot. When he gets the time to get stronger and thereby also gets more balance, he will be very successful. Sire George Clooney is ready for the highest level and is a son of the German dressage legend De Niro. All of De Niro's descendants appreciate themselves more under saddle and so it seems with George Clooney's descendants. In breeding he seems to become a "son of his father". From the damline of Manhattan there are several high performing sport horses and approved stallions.
Try Out, Vet Reports, Bidding
All horses can be tried out on appointment at Van Olst in Den Hout, The Netherlands, carefully complying with the corona regulations of social distancing and hygiene. Please make an appointment for a try out.
All horses have been fully vetted and meet the demands of the KNMvD. X-rays and vet reports can be viewed on request at info@vanolstsales.online.
To bid on a horse, register here. Total discretion is guaranteed. Your name will not be shown online in the bidding process.
Check out the collection of 10 riding horses at www.vanolstsales.online