Corona Times: Hit & Run with Juliette Ramel

Thu, 06/04/2020 - 22:37
Hit & Run
Juliette Ramel at the 2019 European Dressage Championships :: Photo © Astrid Appels

In corona times we are all ordered to stay at home, self quarantine, and do social distancing. With more time on your hands to spend online, Eurodressage launches a "Hit & Run" interview series so that you get to know the world's most famous dressage riders and personalities more closely. 

Swedish Grand Prix rider Juliette Ramel first represented her country at the 2005 Nordic Baltic Championships as a junior rider on Melvin C. In 2006 she competed at the EuropeanYoung Riders Championships and finished 14th. She made her international Grand Prix debut on Ten Points in 2009 and rode her first major Championships as a senior at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro on Buriel KH. She competed at the 2018 World Equestrian Games and 2019 European Championships, where she won team bronze. Juliette keeps her horses in Oisterwijk, The Netherlands, lives in Sweden and trains with Patrik Kittel in Germany. 

Hit & Run - Juliette Ramel

What is your earliest memory? 

When I saw my little sister Hermine for the first time when she was born

Which person alive do you admire the most and why?

Bill and Melinda Gates for all the humanitarian work they do.

When were you the happiest?

When I got my first own pony, on my birthday when I turned 7

What is your biggest fear?

That I or my family or close friends would get ill

What was your first thought today?

What did I dreamt about

What is your most annoying character trait?

I’m quite controlling when it comes to the care around my horses

Which trait do you dislike the most in other people?

People who take themselves too seriously

What is your dearest possession?

Buriel KH

If you look into the future, what do you see?

I can’t look into the future and that’s a nice thing about life . You have to deal with everything that come across your road

What makes you unhappy?

When I see animals suffer

What is the love of your life?


What was the best choice you ever took in life?

Buying Buriel.

What's your guilty pleasure?


What do you owe your parents?

Everything in my life

Who can sit next to you at your dream dinner table?

Anyone who doesn't only talk about horses.

What was the worst job you ever did?

Cleaning pig stables.

What was your biggest disappointment in life?

I’m the kind of person that believes that everything happens for a reason. Still, when my dog disappeared I looked everywhere for her for weeks, I never found her or found out what happened.

What would you change if you can go back into the past?


Name one thing that would improve your quality of life?

Now in summer, having a beach close by

What is your biggest achievement?

That I went to Olympics, World Championships and Europeans

What is the most important life lesson you have learnt?

To go after the things you want in life, it won’t come if you sit around and wait for it

Where would you like to be right now? 

Where I am, in the stable

What's your favourite scent?

So many

Which character would you dress up in for Halloween?


To whom would you like to say sorry?

To one friend

What does love feel like for you?


When are you most relaxed?

In our farm, south of Stockholm.

What super power would you like to have?

Not having the need to sleep

When did you last cry, and why?

I don't remember

When were you closest to death?

I think when I got stuck in a swamp, when I was a kid

How do you want to be remembered?

For being myself

Related Links
Corona Times: Hit & Run with Antonia Ramel
Nilshagen and Ramel Submitted to 2017 SOK Top and Talent Program
Swedish Team Selected for 2016 Olympic Games
Ramel and Minderhoud Dominate Grand Prix Day at 2016 CDI-W 's Hertogenbosch
Swedish Juliette Ramel Makes a Stand on New Ride Buriel KH at 2015 CDN Ermelo
Juliette Ramel Striving to Earn Ten Point Title
Ramel Sisters to Ride for Sweden in 2010 Aachen Under 25 Competition