Pony Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Leyman, Tissot, Danzberg
- 1. Kraft Georgina - Ti Daily Challenge - 74,000% (Germany)
- 2. Bomberg Jona-Emily - Cyrill - 72,810% (Germany)
- 3. Ullman Elin - Morgensterns Dakar - 70,810% (Sweden)
- 4. De Loos Elise - Sandokan's Pardo - 70,762% (Holland)
- 5. Boers Esmee - Orchard Red Prince - 70,000% (Holland)
- 6. Hollands Isa - Mabeline's Floran - 69,286% (Holland)
- 7. Kraft Georgina - Ti Drei D - 69,286% (Germany)
- 8. Leduc Elisabeth - Campsterhoven's Baldato - 69,238% (Belgium)
- 9. Waverijn Lisa - Dornier - 69,000% (Belgium)
- 10. Evers Senna - Majos Cannon - 67,905% (Holland)
- 11. Jöbstl Fanny - Wilky May - 67,571% (Austria)
- 12. Jöbstl Florentina - Colourful Cannonball - 67,381% (Austria)
- 13. Van Laeken Rhune - Drops - 67,286% (Belgium)
- 14. Peeters Anna - Balotelli - 66,429% (Belgium)
- 15. Uijtewaal Anne - Filippo - 66,381% (Belgium)
- 16. Colling Maïté - Donaldson - 66,190% (Belgium)
- 17. Hollands Isa - Westerhuis Zorro - 65,548% (Holland)
- 18. Janssen Sanja - Roza's Leandro - 65,381% (Holland)
- 19. Bomberg Jona-Emily - FS Mr Magic - 65,190% (Germany)
- 20. Woerts Flore - Madam's Menno - 64,429% (Holland)
- 21. Walraven Morgan - Devill's Kiss Naoni - 62,286% (Holland)
- 22. Leduc Marie - Picasso - 61,333% (Belgium)
- 23. Felix Jolien - Golden Challenge - 61,190% (Holland)
Pony Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Tissot, Robins, Smeets, Wolters, Leyman
- 1. Kraft Georgina - TI Daily Challenge - 73,405% (Germany)
- 2. Bomberg Jona-Emily - Cyrill - 71,784% (Germany)
- 3. Walraven Morgan - Devill's Kiss Naoni - 71,324% (Holland)
- 4. Kraft Georgina - TI Drei D - 70,892% (Germany)
- 5. Ullman Elin - Morgensterns Dakar - 69,297% (Sweden)
- 6. Evers Senna - Majos Cannon - 69,243% (Holland)
- 7. De Loos Elise - Sandokan's Pardo - 69,108% (Holland)
- 8. Peeters Anna - Balotelli - 68,838% (Belgium)
- 9. Felix Jolien - Golden Challenge - 67,730% (Holland)
- 10. Leduc Elisabeth - Campsterhoven's Baldato - 67,189% (Belgium)
- 11. Uijtewaal Anne - Filippo - 66,865% (Holland)
- 12. Boers Esmee - Orchard red Prince - 66,703% (Holland)
- 13. Waverijn Lisa - Dornier - 66,432% (Belgium)
- 14. Hollands Isa - Mabeline's Floran - 66,405% (Holland)
- 15. Van Laeken Rhune - Drops - 65,703% (Belgium)
- 16. Colling Maïté - Donaldson - 65,568% (Belgium)
- 17. Jöbstl Florentina - Colourfull Cannonball - 65,135% (Austria)
- 18. Janssen Sanja - Roza's Leandro - 65,027% (Holland)
- 19. Hollands Isa - Westerhuis Zorro - 64,459% (Holland)
- 20. Bomberg Jona-Emily - FS Mr Magic - 64,405% (Germany)
- 21. Leduc Marie - Picasso - 4,351% (Belgium)
- 22. Woerts Flore - Madam's Menno - 63,162% (Holland)
- 23. Jöbstl Fanny - Wilky May - RET (Austria)
Pony Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Pawlowska, Danzberg, Leyman
- 1. Ullman Elin - Morgensterns Dakar - 75,250% (Sweden)
- 2. Bomberg Jona-Emily - Cyrill - 74,417% (Germany)
- 3. Kraft Georgina - TI Daily Challenge - 73,792% (Germany)
- 4. Walraven Morgan - Devil's Kiss Naoni - 73,167% (Holland)
- 5. De Loos Elise - Sandokan's Pardo - 72,833% (Holland)
- 6. Boers Esmee - Orchard Red Prince - 72,167% (Holland)
- 7. Jöbstl Florentina - Colourfull Cannonball - 71,967% (Austria)
- 8. Felix Jolien - Golden Challenge - 71,125% (Holland)
- 9. Hollands Isa - Mabeline's Floran - 70,875% (Holland)
- 10. Uijtewaal Anne - Filippo - 70,458% (Holland)
- 11. Leduc Elisabeth - Campsterhoven's Baldato - 69,625% (Belgium)
- 12. Waverijn Lisa - Dornier - 67,817% (Belgium)
- 13. Evers Senna - Majos Cannon - 67,667% (Belgium)
- 14. Janssen Sanja - Roza's Leandro - 67,200% (Holland)
- 15. Van Laeken Rhune - Drops - 66,625% (Belgium)
- 16. Peeters Anna - Balotelli - 65,917% (Belgium)
- 17. Leduc Marie - Picasso - 62,150% (Belgium)
- 18. Colling Maïté - Donaldson - 58,592% (Belgium)
Children - Preliminary Test
Judges: Wolters, Tissot, Robins, Pawlowska
- 1. Dülffer Katharina - Darling - 79,220% (Germany)
- 2. Nesselaar Jessica - Cream on Top - 72,262% (Holland)
- 3. Woerts Flore - Vlingh - 69,857% (Holland)
- 4. Zuiderent Manouk - Haston Be Happy - 69,119% (Holland)
- 5. Van Durme Max - Dijon - 69,113% (Belgium)
- 6. Verwimp Elise B - Boemerang - 69,089% (Belgium)
- 7. Colling Helena - Demoiselle C.L - 66,238% (Belgium)
- 8. Zuiderent Manouk - Dollarboy SG - 66,060% (Holland)
Children - Team Championship Test
Judges: Robins, Pawlowska, Leyman
- 1. Dülffer Katharina - Darling - 77,875% (Germany)
- 2. Nesselaar Jessica - Cream on Top - 73,425% (Holland)
- 3. Woerts Flore - Vlingh - 72,575% (Holland)
- 4. Verwimp Elise - Boemerang - 68,450% (Belgium)
- 5. Zuiderent Manouk - Haston be Happy - 68,025% (Holland)
- 6. Van Durme Max - Dijon - 65,825% (Belgium)
- 7. Colling Helena - Demoiselle C.L. - 62,075% (Belgium)
- 8. Zuiderent Manouk - Dollarboy SG - 61,725% (Holland)
Children - Individual Test
Judges: Tissot, Wolters, Pawlowska, Danzberg
- 1. Dülffer Katharina - Darling - 81,281% (Germany)
- 2. Woerts Flore - Vlingh - 72,937% (Holland)
- 3. Nesselaar Jessica - Cream on Top - 72,614% (Holland)
- 4. Van Durme Max - Dijon - 70,440% (Belgium)
- 5. Zuiderent Manouk - Haston Be Happy - 68,756% (Holland)
- 6. Verwimp Elise - Boemerang - 67,603% (Belgium)
- 7. Colling Helena - Demoiselle C.L. - 64,196% (Belgium)
Junior Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Pawlowska, Wolters, Robins
- 1. Jöbstl Paul - Bodyguard - 73,990% (Austria)
- 2. Lienert Emma Caecilia - Lady Carnaby - 70,101% (Germany)
- 3. Lienert Emma Caecilia - Barack Obama - 69,697% (Germany)
- 4. Janssen Margje - Elma - 68,384% (Holland)
- 5. Hebras Maud - Senorita Rosa - 67,980% (France)
- 6. Van Nek Lara - Fariska - 67,626% (Holland)
- 7. De Jong Jette - Indini - 67,121% (Belgium)
- 8. Nevelsteen Michiel - Lars van het Kristoffelhof - 66,515% (Belgium)
- 9. Schelstraete Micky - Cachet L - 66,010% (Holland)
- 10. Jawurek Cloe - Gayento van het Bloemenhof - 65,505% (France)
- 11. Hertogs Seppe - Goby - 65,253% (Belgium)
- 12. Heiden Robin - Jivando S - 65,101% (Holland)
- 13. Clabots Brittany - Fluegel - 64,848% (Belgium)
- 14. Hofs Linde - Cerano Caramel - 58,838% (Holland)
Junior Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Wolters, Danzberg, Pawlowsla, Tissot, Leyman
- 1. Jöbstl Paul - Bodyguard - 74,735% (Austria)
- 2. Lienert Emma Caecilia - Lady Carnaby - 71,765% (germany)
- 3. Lienert Emma Caecilia - Barack Obama - 71,265% (Germany)
- 4. Schelstraete Micky - Cachet L - 69,206% (Holland)
- 5. Hebras Maud - Senorita Rosa - 68,441% (France)
- 6. De Jong Jette - Indini - 68,147% (Belgium)
- 7. Jawurek Cloe - Gayento van het Bloemenhof - 66,882% (France)
- 8. Hertogs Seppe - Goby - 65,618% (Belgium)
- 9. Janssen Margje - Elma - 65,471% (Holland)
- 10. Clabots Brittany - Fluegel - 65,294% (Belgium)
- 11. Van Nek Lara - Fariska - 64,471% (Holland)
- 12. Hofs Linde - Cerano Caramel - 63,059% (Holland)
- 13. Heiden Robin - Jivandos S - 61,765% (Holland)
- 14. Nevelsteen Michiel - Lars van het Kristoffelhof - 60,706% (Belgium)
Junior Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Smeets, Robins, Tissot
- 1.Jöbstl Paul - Bodyguard - 76,458% (Austria)
- 2. Lienert Emma Caecilia - Barack Obama - 75,217% (Germany)
- 3. Schelstraete Micky - Cachet L - 73,575% (Holland)
- 4. De Jong Jette - Indini - 72,900% (Belgium)
- 5. Van Nek Lara - Fariska - 70,700% (Holland)
- 6. Hebras Maud - Senorita Rosa - 68,967% (France)
- 7. Heiden Robin - Jivandos S - 68,900% (Holland)
- 8. Janssen Margje - Elma - 68,608% (Holland)
- 9. Jawurek Cloe - Gayento van het Bloemenhof - 66,392% (France)
- 10. Hertogs Seppe - Goby - 66,058% (Belgium)
- 11. Hofs Linde - Cerano Caramel - 65,417% (Holland)
- 12. Clabots Brittany - Fluegel - 64,792% (Belgium)
Young Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Robins, Tisot, Danzberg, Wolters, Pawlowska
- 1. Dees Milou - Francesco - 72,088% (Holland)
- 2. Vossers Quinty - Hummer - 71,676% (Holland)
- 3. Pap Kimberly - Just A Dream STRH -70,353% (Holland)
- 4. Jamar Sophie - Double Diamond II - 70,088% (Belgium)
- 5. Vossers Quinty - Inferno - 69,471% (Holland)
- 6. Vestergaard Karoline Sofie - Junior Hit - 68,794% (Belgium)
- 7. Pap Kimberly - Floris - 67,824% (Holland)
- 8. Huberts Evelien - Romeo - 67,324% (Holland)
- 9. Niessen Zoe - Felitia - 67,088% (Belgium)
- 10. Neville Lauren - Valentino - 66,824% (Holland)
- 11. Colling Maïté - Rapallo CL - 62,735% (Belgium)
Young Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Pawlowska, Leyman, Danzberg
- 1. Dees Milou - Francesco - 71,912% (Holland)
- 2. Quinty Vossers - Hummer - 71,814% (Holland)
- 3. Kimberly Pap - Just a Dream STRH - 71,225% (Holland)
- 4. Sophie Jamar - Double Diamond II - 70,392% (Belgium)
- 5. Kimberly Pap - Floris - 69,706% (Holland)
- 6. Karolien Sofie Vestergaard - Junior Hit - 69,461% (Belgium)
- 7. Quinty Vossers - Inferno - 68,088% (Holland)
- 8. Zoe Niessen - Felitia - 67,647% (Belgium)
- 9. Lauren Neville - Valentino - 66,618% (Holland)
- 10. Evelien Huberts - Romeo - 66,373% (Holland)
- 11. Maite Colling - Rapallo CL - 60,147% (Belgium)
Young Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Danzberg, Smeets, Tissot
- 1.Dees Milou - Francesco - 75,767% (Holland)
- 2. Vestergaard Karoline Sofie - Junior Hit - 72,575% (Belgium)
- 3. Pap Kimberly - Just A Dream STRH - 72,525% (Holland)
- 4. Jamar Sophie - Double Diamond II - 71,250% (Belgium)
- 5. Vossers Quinty - Hummer - 69,833% (Holland)
- 6. Neville Lauren - Valentino - 68,267% (Holland)
- 7. Huberts Evelien - Romeo - 68,100% (Holland)
- 8. Niessen Zoe - Felitia - 65,533% (Belgium)
- 9. Colling Maïté - Rapallo CL - 64,417% (Belgium)
Under 25 - Intermediaire II
Judges: Leyman, Robins, Wolters, Danzberg, Tissot
- 1. Hoffmann Josefine - Honnerups Driver - 71,971% (Denmark)
- 2. Vandeborne Lore - Ikke Pia van de Bergerhoeve - 67,206% (Belgium)
- 3. Huberts Carlijn - Watoeshi - 66,059% (Holland)
- 4. Luttjeboer Corinda - Cirano - 65,412% (Holland)
- 5. Luijten Kimberley - Zippo - 63,735% (Holland)
Under 25 - Short Grand Prix
Judges: Danzberg, Smeets, Robins, Pawlowska, Wolters
- 1. Hoffmann Josefine - Honnerups Driver - 70,744% (Denmark)
- 2. Vandeborne Lore - Ikke Pia van de Bergerhoeve - 69,077% (Belgium)
- 3. Huberts Carlijn - Watoeshi - 67,641% (Holland)
- 4. Luijten Kimberley - Zippo - 66,282% (Holland)
- 5. Luttjeboer Corinda - Cirano - 62,590% (Holland)
Under 25 - Kur to Music
Judges: Pawlowska, Danzberg, Tissot, Leyman, Smeets
- 1Hoffmann Josefine - Honnerups Driver - 76,150% (Denmark)
- 2. Vandeborne Lore - Ikke Pia van de Bergerhoeve - 71,650% (Belgium)
- 3. Luttjeboer Corinda - Cirano - 68,750% (Holland)
- 4. Luijten Kimberley - Zippo - 68,020% (Holland)
- 5. Huberts Carlijn-Watoeshi - 66,235% (Holland)