The FEI has confirmed the venue change of the 2021 European Children, Junior and Young Riders Championships. Not Valencia, but Oliva Nova in Spain will be the host city.
The date of the event remain unchanged: 5 - 11 July 2021.
From Valencia to Oliva Nova
Due to the massive EHV-1 outbreak at the show ground in Valencia, Spain, the venue was no longer able to guarantee a proper show preparation for the Europeans in the summer.
"The FEI Board approved the venue change to alleviate challenges raised by the EHV-1 outbreak and repercussions of Covid-19 restrictions," it said.
The FEI Dressage Committee and European Equestrian Federation consulted with the Spanish equestrian federation (RFHE) and the organising committee In2Strides to change the venue from Valencia to Oliva Nova.
Qualification Criteria Waved
The FEI Board also approved a Covid-19 related resolution to waive the qualification criteria for the Championships due to the limited opportunities for Youth Athletes to achieve MER's as a result of restrictions on travel and cancellations of international events.
The same process will apply as for 2020.
Oliva Nova
Oliva Nova is not new to hosting the European Children, Junior and Young Riders Championships. In 2016 the MET show grounds hosted these Championships which were then organized by Top Iberian.
Oliva Nova's MET show grounds are known for hosting massive show jumping tours.
Related Links
2021 CDI Valencia Cancelled, New Venue Sought for European Youth Championships