6-year olds - Preliminary Test
Judges: Lars Andersson, Hans Voser, Marietta Almasy
- 1. Jill Huijbregts - Kriss Kross - 82.400 (Holland)
- 2. Brecht D Hoore - Kings-Dream - 74.800 (Belgium)
6-year olds - Finals Test
Judges: Stephen Clarke, Maria Colliander, Thomas Kessler
- 1. Jill Huijbregts - Kriss Kross - 78.800 (Holland)
- 2. Brecht D Hoore - Kings-Dream - 78.800 (Belgium)
7-year olds - Preliminary Test
Judges: Lars Andersson, Marietta Almasy, Hans Voser
- 1. Kristine Moller - DSP Spectre - 75.757 (Luxembourg)
- 2. Fie Skarsoe - Coco Island OLD - 71.765 (Luxembourg)
- 3. Nicole Osterwald - Furst Nero - 71.750 (Austria)
- 4. Stephanie Brieussel - Quaterhit -71.536 (France)
- 5. Alexandra Hidien - Franziskaner 10 - 71.518 (Luxembourg)
7-year olds - Finals Test
Judges: Stephen Clarke, Thomas Kessler, Maria Colliander
- 1. Kristine Moller - DSP Spectre - 77.572 (Luxembourg)
- 2. Alexandra Hidien - Franziskaner 10 - 73.629 (Luxembourg)
- 3. Fie Christine Skarsoe - Coco Island OLD - 72.672 (Luxembourg)
- 4. Stephanie Brieussel - Quaterhit - 67.057 (France)
- Nicole Osterwald - Furst Nero - WD (Austria)
Pony Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Stephen Clarke, Lionel Du Tranoy, Lars Andersson
- 1. Maddy Dijkshoorn - Boogie De L'Aube - 69.905 (Holland)
- 2. Lena Wolf - Bonjour - 66.738 (Luxembourg)
- 3. Lisa Waverijn - Dornier - 66.048 (Belgium)
- 4. Weronika Lewandowska - Hojvejs Casmir - 65.571 (Poland)
Pony Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Hans Voser, Sandrine Trimborn, Lars Andersson
- 1. Maddy Dijkshoorn - Boogie De L'Aube - 70.180 (Holland)
- 2. Weronika Lewandowska - Hojvejs Casmir - 68.153 (Poland)
- 3. Lisa Waverijn - Dornier - 66.441 (Belgium)
- 4. Lena Wolf - Bonjour - 64.910 (Luxembourg)
Pony Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Lars Andersson, Hans Voser, Marietta Almasy
- 1. Maddy Dijkshoorn - Boogie De L'Aube - 73.517 (Holland)
- 2. Weronika Lewandowska - Hojvejs Casmir - 72.508 (Poland)
- 3. Lena Wolf - Bonjour - 70.117 (Luxembourg)
- 4. Lisa Waverijn - Dornier - 66.400 (Belgium)
Junior Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Voser, Van Twist, Roudier
- 1. Lana de Caluwe - Elfenranke - 70.707 (Belgium)
- 2. Hector Milochevitsch - Bernardo R - 68.182 (France)
- 3. Nicolas Josse - Wait and See - 67.273 (Belgium)
- 4. Kebie Raaijmakers - Lord of Rock - 66.364 (Holland)
- 5. Hector Milochevitsch - Felipino - 64.445 (France)
- 6. Victoire Thibaut - Simply the Best M - 64.293 (Belgium)
- 7. Lilly Widdicombe - Butharr - 63.182 (France)
Junior Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Sandrine Trimborn, Thomas Kessler, Maria Colliander
- 1. Lana De Caluwe - Elfenranke - 69.657 (Belgium)
- 2. Kebie Raaijmakers - Lord Of Rock - 67.010 (Holland)
- 3. Hector Milochevitch - Bernardo R - 65.980 (France)
- 4. Nicolas Josse - Wait And See - 65.196 (Belgium)
- 5. Lilly Widdicombe - Butharr - 61.226 (France)
- 6. Victoire Thibaut - Simply The Best M - 60.098 (Belgium)
- 7. Hector Milochevitch - Felipino - 59.657 (France)
Junior Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Marietta Almasy, Lars Andersson, Hans Voser
- 1. Lana De Caluwe - Elfenranke - 74.108 (Belgium)
- 2. Victoire Thibaut - Simply The Best M - 71.342 (Belgium)
- 3. Kebie Raaijmakers - Lord Of Rock - 71.258 (Holland)
- 4. Hector Milochevitch - Bernardo R - 69.517 (France)
- 5. Nicolas Josse - Wait And See - 67.950 (Belgium)
- 6. Lilly Widdicombe - Butharr - 66.058 (France)
Young Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Voser, van Twist, Roudier
- 1. Coco Soffers - Formidable - 70.637 (Holland)
- 2. Amber de Groot - Homemade - 70.098 (Holland)
- 3. Coco Soffers - John Schufro RND - 68.333 (Holland)
- 4. Athaline van Roey - Dream Boy - 63.039 (Belgium)
Young Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Jean-Michel Roudier, Thomas Kessler, Maria Colliander
- 1. Amber De Groot - Homemade - 69.167 (Holland)
- 2. Coco Soffers - Formidable - 67.353 (Holland)
- 3. Athaline Van Roey - Dream Boy - 61.323 (Belgium)
- 4. Coco Soffers - John Schufro Rnd - 56.568 (Holland)
Young Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Hans Voser, Sandrine Trimborn, Thomas Kessler
- 1. Amber De Groot - Homemade - 74.542 (Holland)
- 2. Coco Soffers - Formidable - 72.233 (Holland)
- 3. Athaline Van Roey - Dream Boy - 59.417 (Belgium)
Amateurs - Prix St-Georges
Judges: Janine Van Twist, Lionel Du Tranoy, Jean-Michel Roudier
- 1. Lisa Arendt - Rockhampton 3 - 68.579 (Luxembourg)
- 2. Lisa Arendt - Furstengruss - 67.157 (Luxembourg)
- 3. Delphine Henry Jonqueres - High Five 7 - 63.823 (France)
- 4. Alla Poloumieva - Fimosa - 63.186 (Singapore)
- Roxana Mohr - Bonne Jument - DNS (Germany)
Amateurs - Intermediate I
Judges: Stephen Clarke, Lionel Du Tranoy, Lars Andersson
- 1. Roxana Mohr - Bonne Jument - 70.000 (Germany)
- 2. Lisa Arendt - Furstengruss - 65.539 (Luxembourg)
- 3. Lisa Arendt - Rockhampton 3 - 64.853 (Luxembourg)
- 4. Delphine Henry Jonqueres - High Five 7 - 63.922 (France)
- 5. Alla Poloumieva - Fimosa - 59.863 (Singapore)
Amateurs - Inter I Kur to Music
Judges: Sandrine Trimborn, Maria Colliander, Jean-Michel Roudier
- 1. Roxana Mohr - Bonne Jument - 72.267 (Germany)
- 2. Delphine Henry Jonqueres - High Five 7 - 65.942 (France)
- 3. Lisa Arendt - Rockhampton 3 - 64.675 (Luxembourg)
Prix St Georges
Judges: Janine Van Twist, Lionel Du Tranoy, Jean-Michel Roudier
- 1. Matthias Rath - Thiago Gs - 72.941 (Germany)
- 2. Jorinde Verwimp - Golddream V/D Kempenhoeve - 72.157 (Belgium)
- 3. Annemiek Vincourt - Diede Dieni - 71.618 (Holland)
- 4. Laura Luyten - J2L Lamborghini - 70.931 (Belgium)
- 5. Stephanie Collomb - Fol Amour - 70.147 (France)
- 6. Laureen Poncelet - Sir Rubinus - 69.706 (Belgium)
- 7. Elisabeth Geluk - Hamilton - 69.657 (Holland)
- 8. Brecht D Hoore - Darcy - 66.618 (Belgium)
- 9. Stephanie Brieussel - Chopin Du Joffrois - 66.519 (France)
- 10. Annemieke Van Der Horst-Meeus - Guinness V/D Wolfshoeve - 65.980 (Holland)
- 11. An Verloy - Kenzi - 65.245 (Belgium)
- 12. Clemence Lesconnec - Vulcain Do Real - 65.000 (France)
- 13. Sarah Miocevich - Armani Vii - 64.902 (Australia)
- 14. Heidi De Keyser - Jebe Van Het Keysersbos - 63.186 (Belgium)
- 15. Rob Van Puijenbroek - Heros Begijnhoeve - 61.922 (Belgium)
Intermediaire I
Judges: Thomas Kessler, Sandrine Trimborn, Marietta Almasy
- 1. Jorinde Verwimp - Golddream V/D Kempenhoeve - 70.490 (Belgium)
- 2. Annemiek Vincourt - Diede Dieni - 69.265 (Holland)
- 3. Elisabeth Geluk - Hamilton - 68.774 (Holland)
- 4. Laura Luyten - J2L Lamborghini - 68.284 (Belgium)
- 5. Brecht D Hoore - Darcy - 67.990 (Belgium)
- 6. Matthias Alexander Rath - Thiago Gs - 67.451 (Germany)
- 7. An Verloy - Kenzi - 65.686 (Belgium)
- 8. Heidi De Keyser - Jebe Van Het Keysersbos - 65.637 (Belgium)
- 9. Annemieke Van Der Horst-Meeus - Guinness V/D Wolfshoeve - 65.441 (Holland)
- 10. Stephanie Brieussel - Chopin Du Joffrois - 64.608 (France)
- 11. Stephanie Collomb - Fol Amour - 63.980 (France)
- 12. Laureen Poncelet - Sir Rubinus - 63.529 (Belgium)
- 13. Rob Van Puijenbroek - Heros Begijnhoeve - 63.088 (Belgium)
- 14. Clemence Lesconnec - Vulcain Do Real - 62.647 (France)
- 15. Sarah Miocevich - Armani Vii - 61.667 (Australia)
Intermediaire I Kur to Music
Judges: Jean-Michel Roudier, Lionel Du Tranoy, Janine Van Twist
- 1. Jorinde Verwimp - Golddream V/D Kempenhoeve - 76.500 (Belgium)
- 2. Annemiek Vincourt - Diede Dieni - 74.067 (Holland)
- 3. Elisabeth Geluk - Hamilton - 72.442 (Holland)
- 4. Brecht D Hoore - Darcy - 71.858 (Belgium)
- 5. Laureen Poncelet - Sir Rubinus - 70.608 (Belgium)
- 6. Stephanie Collomb - Fol Amour - 70.483 (France)
- 7. Rob Van Puijenbroek - Heros Begijnhoeve - 70.333 (Belgium)
- 8. Laura Luyten - J2L Lamborghini - 70.167 (Belgium)
- 9. An Verloy - Kenzi - 69.817 (Belgium)
- 10. Annemieke Van Der Horst-Meeus - Guinness V/D Wolfshoeve - 68.117 (Holland)
- 11. Heidi De Keyser - Jebe Van Het Keysersbos - 59.525 (Belgium)
- 12. Sarah Miocevich - Armani Vii - 58.533 (Australia)
- Clemence Lesconnec - Vulcain Do Real - DNS (France)
- Stephanie Brieussel - Chopin Du Joffrois - DNS (France)
- Matthias Rath - Thiago Gs - DNS (Germany)
Medium Tour - Intermediate B
Judges: Marietta Almasy, Thomas Kessler, Sandrine Trimborn
- 1. Jorinde Verwimp - Charmer - 71.802 (Belgium)
- 2. Antoine Nowakowski - Quater Girl - 70.360 (France)
- 3. Kristine Moller - Standing O'Vation Tsf - 68.378 (Luxembourg)
- 4. Lena Thouvenin - Diamondgio - 66.577 (France)
- 5. Dominique D'Hoore-Van Der Horst - Excel - 64.351 (Holland)
- 6. Dominique D'Hoore-Van Der Horst - Dancing Boy - 61.333 (Holland)
- 7. Alexandra Hidien - Famous - 61.171 (Luxembourg)
- 8. Lara Butler - Amiek C - 56.352 (Great Britain)
Medium Tour - Intermediate II
Judges: Sandrine Trimborn, Stephen Clarke, Maria Colliander
- 1. Antoine Nowakowski - Quater Girl - 69.804 (France)
- 2. Jorinde Verwimp - Charmer - 68.578 (Belgium)
- 3. Kristine Moller - Standing O'Vation Tsf - 67.549 (Luxembourg)
- 4. Alexandra Hidien - Famous - 65.931 (Luxembourg)
- 5. Lena Thouvenin - Diamondgio - 64.618 (France)
- 6. Dominique D'Hoore-Van Der Horst - Excel - 63.921 (Holland)
- 7. Dominique D'Hoore-Van Der Horst - Dancing Boy - 63.481 (Holland)
- Lara Butler - Amiek C - DNS (Great Britain)
Under 25 - Intermediaire II
Judges: Van Twist, Voser, Colliander
- 1. Adrian Roldan Narvaez - Floyd - 68.039 (Spain)
- 2. Jeanine Nekeman - Ferrar - 67.402 (Holland)
- 3. Gonçalo Diabinho - Devoto - 66.961 (Portugal)
- 4. Mariana Assis Silva - Serano - 66.470 (Portugal)
- 5. Maria Miguel Lascasas - Guhapo - 66.029 (Portugalk)
- 6. Estelle Schurink - Fangarifau - 65.980 (Switzerland)
- 7. Carla de la Fuente de Pablos - Fay - 65.098 (Spain)
- 8. Jamina Gijsels - Zico - 64.068 (Belgium)
- Alice Campanella - Beach Boy - ELI (Italy)
Under 25 - Short Grand Prix
Judges: Stephen Clarke, Janine Van Twist, Lionel Du Tranoy
- 1. Adrian Roldan Narvaez - Floyd - 70.043 (Spain)
- 2. Jeanine Nekeman - Ferrari - 67.778 (Holland)
- 3. Carla De La Fuente De Pablos - Fay - 67.265 (Spain)
- 4. Jamina Gysels - Zico - 67.008 (Belgium)
- 5. Mariana Assis Silva - Serano - 66.111 (Portugal)
- 6. Estelle Schurink - Fangarifau - 64.487 (Switzerland)
- 7. Maria Miguel Lascasas - Guhapo - 63.504 (Portugal)
- 8. GonçAlo Diabinho - Devoto - 63.034 (Portugal)
- Alice Campanella - Beach Boy - DNS (Italy)
Grand Prix
Judges: Lionel Du Tranoy, Maria Colliander, Jean-Michel Roudier, Stephen Clarke, Lars Andersson
- 1. Matthias Alexander Rath - Foundation - 72.522 (Germany)
- 2. Jill Huijbregts - Enzos Armani - 71.130 (Holland)
- 3. Laura Tomlinson - Fallatijn - 71.000 (Great Britain)
- 4. Laura Tomlinson - DSP Rose Of Bavaria - 70.043 (Great Britain)
- 5. Carla Aeberhard - Delioh Von Buchmatt Ch - 69.348 (Switzerland)
- 6. Charlotte Chalvignac - Elice - 68.913 (France)
- 7. Denise Nekeman - Boston STH - 68.718 (Holland)
- 8. Ryan Torkkeli - Sternenwanderer - 68.131 (Canada)
- 9. Lara Butler - Kristjan - 67.478 (Great Britain)
- 10. Tommie Visser - Genesis Begijnhoeve - 67.261 (Holland)
- 11. Bernard Bosseaux - Rilkadora Z - 67.218 (France)
- 12. Jean Philippe Siat - Lovesong - 66.326 (France)
- 13. Alizee Wauthier - Douglas - 65.283 (France)
- 14. Muriel De Ruijter - D Quarterboy Vh Bloemenhof - 62.870 (Belgium)
- 15. Roberto Brenna - Diamant - 61.674 (Italy)
- 16. Fie Christine Skarsoe - Shy Boy - 61.282 (Luxembourg)
- 17. Victor Alfonso Pomares - Let's Go - 60.891 (Spain)
Grand Prix Special
Judges: Sandrine Trimborn, Stephen Clarke, Lars Andersson, Hans Voser, Lionel Du Tranoy
- 1. Ryan Torkkeli - Sternenwanderer - 69.000 (Canada)
- 2. Charlotte Chalvignac - Elice - 68.362 (France)
- 3. Jean Philippe Siat - Lovesong - 68.319 (France)
- 4. Bernard Bosseaux - Rilkadora Z - 68.255 (France)
- 5. Tommie Visser - Genesis Begijnhoeve - 66.191 (Holland)
- 6. Carla Aeberhard - Delioh Von Buchmatt Ch - 66.000 (Switzerland)
- 7. Roberto Brenna - Diamant - 64.894 (Italy)
- 8. Muriel De Ruijter - D Quarterboy Vh Bloemenhof - 63.128 (Belgium)
- 9. Victor Alfonso Pomares - Let's Go - 62.787 (Spain)
- Laura Tomlinson - Rose Of Bavaria - DNS (Great Britain)
Grand Prix Kur to Music
Judges: Janine Van Twist, Jean-Michel Roudier, Maria Colliander, Marietta Almasy, Thomas Kessler
- 1. Matthias Alexander Rath - Foundation 2 - 76.870 (Germany)
- 2. Jill Huijbregts - Enzos Armani - 76.500 (Holland)
- 3. Denise Nekeman - Boston STH - 74.505 (Holland)
- 4. Fie Christine Skarsoe - Shy Boy - 67.240 (Luxembourg)
- 5. Alizee Wauthier - Douglas - 66.670 (France)
- Lara Butler - Kristjan - DNS (Great Britain)
- Laura Tomlinson - Fallatijn - DNS (Great Britain)