6-year olds - Preliminary Test
Judges: ?
- 1. Andrea Timpe - Gallery - 81.400 (Germany)
- 2. Trude Hestengen - Kick Pleasure - 76.400 (Norway)
- 3. Laura von Stein - Avenida Romantica - 75.200 (Germany)
6-year olds - Finals Test
- 1. Andrea Timpe - Gallery - 7.58 (Germany)
- 2. Trude Hestengen - Kick Pleasure - 7,44 (Norway)
- 3. Laura von Stein - Avenida Romantica - 7,14 (Germany)
7-year olds - Preliminary Test
Judges: Vietor, Santos, Holler
- 1. Johanne von Danwitz - F-Type - 80.050 (Germany)
- 2. Mathilde Koefoed Nielsen - Odin Unik - 79.343 (Denmark)
- 3. Leonie Krull - All we Need - 75.150 (Germany)
- 4. Jana Freund - Lord Sandro K - 74.236 (Germany)
- 5. Alina Rohricht - Zaid - 73.472 (Germany)
- 6. Lukas Blatzheim - Separada HFB - 70.300 (Germany)
7-year olds - Finals Test
Judges: Holler, Vietor, Santos
- 1. Johanne von Danwitz - F-Type - 81.415
- 2. Mathilde Koefoed Nielsen - Odin Unik - 75.915
- 3. Jana Freund - Lord Sandro K - 71.700
- 4. Alina Rohricht - Zaid - 71.472
- 5. Leonie Krull - All we Need - 68.900
- 6. Lukasz Blatzheim - Separado HFB - 66.857
Amateurs - Prix St Georges
Judges: Danzberg, Maurel, Leyman
- 1. Katja Rommel - Davici - 68.872 (Germany)
- 2. Katja Rommel - Luigi Dioro - 68.088 (Germany)
- 3. Claudia Effertz - Sir Sasse - 67.353 (Germany)
- 4. Alla Poloumieva - Fimosa - 62.794 (Singapore)
- 5. Laura von Stein - Johnnt Depp - 60.539 (Germany)
Amateurs - Intermediaire I
Judges: Leyman, Vietor, Danzberg, Santos, Maurel
- 1. Claudia Effertz - Sir Sasse - 68.706 (Germany)
- 2. Katja Rommel - Luigi Dioro - 68.471 (Germany)
- 3. Katja Rommel - Davici - 67.765 (Germany)
- 4. Laura von Stein - Johnny Depp - 62.235 (Germany)
Prix St Georges
Judges: Santos, Leyman, Maurel, Holler, Danzberg
- 1. Jana Freund - Bob Marley - 73.529 (Germany)
- 2. Lukas Blatzheim - C Design van het Bloemenhof - 70.235 v
- 3. Stefan Hollanders - Loriston - 69.177 (Belgium)
- 4. Jurgen van Damme - Sawero - 69.118 (Germany)
- 5. Jurgen van Damme - Louis Furst - 68.500 (Germany)
- 6. Yu Chen Lin - Diede Dieni - 67.824 (Taiwan)
- 7. Luisa Kollner - Don Henley - 66.853 (Germany)
- 8. Dania Gschwind Widmer - Armani VII - 64.235 (Taiwan)
Intermediaire I
Judges: Maurel, Leyman, Santos, Holler, Danzberg
- 1. Jana Freund - Bob Marley - 72.118 (Germany)
- 2. Lukas Blatzheim - C Design van het Bloemenhof - 70.412 (Germany)
- 3. Stefan Hollanders - Loriston - 70.176 (Belgium)
- 4. Jurgen van Damme - Louis Furst - 70.147 (Germany)
- 5. Luise Kollner - Don Henley - 67.147 (Germany)
- 6. Yu-Chen Lin - Diede Dieni - 65.147 (Taiwan)
- 7. Dania Gschwind Widmer - Armani VII - 63.118 (Taiwan)
- 8. HJurgen van Damme - Sawero - 60.971 (Germany)
Amateurs - Intermediaire A
Judges: Danzberg, Vietor, Leyman
- 1. Natascha Hulsey - Bright Diamond - 69.657 (Germany)
- 2. Irish Charles - La Lutzi - 67.402 (Germany)
- 3. Iris Charles - Le Schelm - 64.902 (Germany)
Amateurs - Intermediaire A/B Kur to Music
Judges: Leyman, Holler, Santos, Maurel, Danzberg
- 1. Natascha Hulsey - Bright Diamond - 70.600 (Germany)
- 2. Iris Charles - La Lutzi - 68.825 (Germany)
Medium tour - Intermediaire A
Judges: Maurel, Danzberg, Vietor
- 1. Stefanie Wolf - Matchball OLD - 73.235 (Germany)
- 2. Alexandra Eiband - Dancing Girl HS - 68.824 (Germany)
- 3. Trude Hestengen - Christianslund Furstino - 67.451 (Norway)
- 4. Lukas Blatzheim - Ulises - 66.667 (Germany)
- 5. Andrea Timpe - Don Carismo - 66.127 (Germany)
Medium Tour - Intermediaire B
Judges: Danzberg, Vietor, Holler, Maurel, Santos
- 1. Stefanie Wolf - Matchball OLD - 72.243 (Germany)
- 2. Andrea Timpe - Don Carismo - 68.973 (Germany)
- 3. Trude Hestengen - Christianslunds Furstino - 67.270 (Norway)
- 4. Alexandra Eiband - Dancing Girl HS - 65.892 (Germany)
Amateurs - Intermediaire II
- 1. Marcel Kanz - Brad Pitt - 67.010 (Germany)
- 2. Cornelia Dyhr - Summerville - 60.981 (Germany)
Amateurs - Grand Prix
Judges: Leyman, Maurel, Vietor, Holler, Danzberg
- 1. Marcel Kanz - Brad Pitt - 66.739 (Germany)
- 2. Cornelia Dyhr - Summerville - 58.739 (Germany)
Grand Prix
Judges: Maurel, Leyman, Santos, Holler, Vietor
- 1. Andrea Timpe - Don Darwin - 70.283 (Germany)
- 2. Heiner Schiergen - Aaron - 70.261 (Germany)
- 3. Warwick McLean - Hendrix - 68.935 (Australia)
- 4. Margo Timmermans - Catch Me - 68.174 (Holland)
- 5. Alina Rohricht - Atlantis - 67.891 (Germany)
- 6. Lukas Blatzheim - Errol - 67.304 (Germany)
- 7. Alexandra Eiband - Coco Chanel HS - 67.087 (Germany)
- 8. Wejdan Majed AM al Malki - Mango Jacaro - 66.674 (Qatar)
- 9. Jurgen van Damme - Starlight - 65.783 (Germany)
- 10. Shruti Vora - Denightron - 64.565 (India)
Grand Prix Special
Judges: Maurel, Danzberg, Santos, Holler, Vietor
- 1. Heiner Schiergen - Aaron - 71.468 (Germany)
- 2. Warwick McLean - Hendrix - 69.979 (Australia)
- 3. Lukas Blatzheim - Errol - 68.289 (Germany)
- 4. Alina Rohricht - Atlantis - 67.277 (Germany)
- 5. Wejdan Majed AM Al Malki - Mango Jacaro - 63?894 (Qatar)
- 6. Shruti Vora - Denightron - 62.170 (India)
Grand Prix Kur to Music
Judges: Danzberg, Santos, Leyman, Holler, Vietor
- 1. Andrea Timpe - Don Darwin - 74.235 (Germany)
- 2. Margo Timmermans - Catch Me - 71.975 (Holland)
- 3. Jurgen van Damme - Starlight - 70.035 (Germany)
- 4. Alexandre Eiband - Coco Chanel HS - 69.975 (Germany)