Make an appointment for trial-riding and find your once-in-a-lifetime horse
“Right now, there is never a dull moment in our house”, laughs Fabian Scholz, who is hosting his second auction, Auction No.2, on 23 Oktober 2021 at 6 p.m. The phase for trial-riding and getting to know the horses is in full swing. 20 carefully selected, slowly produced and previously competed prospects are part of this year’s collection.
The lot is available on www.sportpferde-scholz.de, as well as photos, videos, x-rays and results of the vet examination.
From Young Horse to Grand Prix
More than half of the horses are already established in Prix St. Georges and some of them are even trained up to Grand Prix.
“I always get numerous requests for secure and established small-tour horses for ambitious amateurs and all I can say is: Here they are," adds Fabian Scholz. “The most important factor is that we really know these horses because we have ridden and competed them over a longer period. That is why we know exactly which horse to pair our clients with”.
However, this year’s collection will not only entail established dressage horses but also promising youngsters who show great potential for the future, for example, Follower, a 4-year-old son of Fürstenball.
How it works:
The second live auction by Sportpferde Scholz begins at 6 p.m. on 23 October 2021.
The auction takes place at the Messerschmidt-Hahn stable in Füchtorf/Warendorf, is open to the public and will take place in compliance with the current corona restrictions.
The auction is broadcast by www.clipmyhorse.tv, the bidding takes place live and in real-time. If you want to bid online, please register beforehand on www.mennraths.de.
For more information regarding the auction, as well as for appointments for trial riding please contact:
Fabian Scholz
Mobile: +49 (0) 171 / 75 41 871
Email: kontakt@sportpferde-scholz.de