Hubertus Schmidt's number two Grand Prix horse in the barn, Denoix PCH, has been gelded. The 10-year old Oldenburg chestnut is by Destano x Pik Noir.
He owned by American Nancy Gooding, member of the Pepsi Cola family and owned by Plum Creek Hollow (PCH) in Colorado.
Bred by Friedrich Kuhlmann, the chestnut was licensed at the 2014 Oldenburg Stallion Licensing and acquired by the Celle State Stud at the auction for 70,000 euro. Celle named him "Denoix" after the famous French veterinarian and lameness expert, Dr. Jean-Marie Denoix. He did his 30-day suitability test in Neustadt/Dosse and scored 8.09 for dressage and 7.04 for jumping to finish on a total of 7.96 points.
In 2016 he began his competition career under Celle state stud rider Janina Tietze as a 4-year old and was reserve champion at the 2016 Oldenburg Young Horse Championships in Rastede. Nancy Goodingnpurchased Denoix at the 2016 Oldenburg Autumn Elite Auction for 300,000 euro.
Denoix was sent to Hubertus Schmidt's Fleyenhof, where Schmidt's student and assistant rider Katharina Hammer took on the ride and competed him in 2018. In 2019 Schmidt made his show debut on the 7-year old stallion at the 2019 CDI Hagen, placing second in the Prix St Georges with 71.647% and winning the Intermediaire I with 73.147% on the 7-year old. The pair were fourth in the 2019 Nurnberger Burgpokal, the German Developing Prix St Georges Championship. In 2020 he was second in the Louisdor Cup Finals for Developing Grand Prix horses. In 2021 the horse made its CDI debut at Grand Prix level in Mannheim, followed by top placings in Herzlake and Ludwigsburg.
In an interview with Dressursport Deutschland, Schmidt confirmed that the stallion was gelded in the autumn of 2021. "It did him well," Schmidt said. "Now he really became uncomplicated and let's me get to him more."
Hubertus has two more up and comping Grand Prix horses for the 2022 season: the 9-year old Vainqueur (by Vivaldi x Rubioso) and the 8-year old Estelle (by Escolar). They will be the 54th and 55th horse that Schmidt has trained up to Grand Prix level in his career.
Photo © Astrid Appels
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Meet Denoix PCH, Winner of the Louisdor Cup Qualifier at 2020 CDN Hagen
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