Wim and Jorinde Verwimp's FEI Horse Maxwil V Passed Away

Thu, 03/10/2022 - 08:19
Wim Verwimp and Maxwil V at the 2008 CDI Addington :: Photo © Caroline Finch

Jorinde and Wim Verwimp's international FEI dressage horse, Maxwil V, has passed away on 3 March 2022. The gelding was 28 years old and represented Belgium at two European Dressage Championships. 

Family Horse

Maxwil V was by Goodwill out of Ilarose (by Dageraad). He was bred by W. Vossen in Roggel, The Netherlands.

Under Wim Verwimp the horse was trained and competed up to Grand Prix level. In 2004 they showed in the international small tour and as of 2007 they made their claim to fame at CDI Grand prix level.

Wim and Maxwil V were twice selected on the Belgian team for the European Dressage Championships. In 2007 in Turin they were 44th in the Grand Prix with  63.083% and 12th with the team. In 2009 in Windsor they ranked 5"rd with 60.426% and placed 8th with the team. The pair also competed at numerous CDI's in Saumur, Addington, Zwolle, Mechelen, Rotterdam, Herentals, and Verden between 2007 and 2009.

Career Starter

In 2010 Jorinde Verwimp took over the ride, coming off her FEI pony Tonkawa SD. 

The pair was fifth in the 2010 Belgian Young Riders Championships and seventh in the  2011 Belgian Small Tour Championship.  They showed internationally in Addington, Pompadour, Moorsele, and Mechelen in 2010 and were named first reserves of the Belgian team for the 2010 European Junior Riders Championships

Jorinde and Maxwil at the 2011 CDI-W Mechelen
Maxwil paved the way for Jorinde's international youth career on Tiamo, which kicked off in 2011 and took her to the 2016 Rio Olympics.


Maxwil was retired from sport and lived to be 28 years old.

"I did my first international competition at junior level with him, rode my first time at Jumping Mechelen as a 16-year old 'child' amongst all those big names and there are so many more things, too many to name," Jorinde said about the impact Maxwil made on her life. 

Photos © Caroline Finch - Astrid Appels

Related Links
Belgian Teams Selected for 2010 European Junior and Young Riders Championships
Definite Entries for the 2009 European Dressage Championships
Scores: 2007 European Dressage Championships