Competition season 2022 comes to an end but every ambitious rider knows that with the end of one season, another one begins. On Saturday 22 October 2022, 6.pm., the lot of Auction No.3 by Sportpferde Scholz will be the source for the right equine sport partner for everyone.
“We have known these horses for a long time and they have also been competed by our team. Therefore, we know exactly how they behave in training and at competitions and we know who might be a suitable rider," explains Fabian Scholz.
Ready to Compete
Fourteen sport horses, youngsters, as well as established winners of Prix St. Georges are part of this highly exclusive lot. Moreover, a foal will be auctioned off in favour of the charity “Aktion Lichtblicke e.V.”.
The auction lot with photos, videos and results of the vet examination is published on www.mennraths.de and www.sportpferde-scholz.de as of 3.October. As of 10. October, the horses can be trial-ridden anytime, after making an appointment via telephone.
Likewise, catalogue number 2 “Fürst Romeo” who also already celebrated remarkable victories. The gelding by Fürst Wilhelm – Destano has already won M-level young horse classes and was qualified for the Bundeschampionat. The picture-perfect Oldenburger embodies everything needed to take future arenas by storm.
If you are looking for a talented young horse, the Hanoverian “Sekundenglück” might be a good match for you. The 4-year-old Sir Donnerhall - Hofrat offspring is already successful in A-Level young horse classes and a favorite for Team Scholz. Chic and eager to work, an even more fitting name for him would be “Lebensglück”. Do not miss out on the chance to secure this talented youngster for your stable.
Schedule a Try-Out
For more information regarding the auction, as well as for appointments for trial riding please contact: Fabian Scholz Mobil: +49 (0) 171 / 75 41 871 Email: kontakt@sportpferde-scholz.de
This third auction by Sportpferde Scholz takes place on Saturday, 22.October 2022, starting at 6 p.m. at Reitanlage Messerschmidt-Hahn, Milter Str. 2a, 48336 Sassenberg.
It is possible to place your bid by telephone or online. If so, please register beforehand on www.mennraths.de or www.sportpferde-scholz.de.
About Sportpferde Scholz
Sportpferde Scholz was founded in 1999. Twenty years worth of experience in international competitions and the sale of sport horses more than qualify Fabian Scholz, being a Pferdewirtschaftsmeister himself, to know the horse scene by heart, in Germany and abroad. Together with his wife Carina Scholz, member of the German B- squad and highly successful in international dressage competitions, it is his passion to breed, find or train qualitative horses and subsequently find a suitable rider for them. For him, the sensitive and solid training of his horses is “the key for a sustainable and successful marketing and happy clients”. This is why Fabian Scholz has not only made a name for himself as a marketer of high-quality dressage horses, he also has a successful business for educating people pursuing a career with horses.