The FEI calendar is listing three CDI's in Russia and two CDI's in Belarus for 2023 while this hear the FEI has removed all international equestrian events in Russia and Belarus from the FEI Calendar due to the war in Ukraine.
The FEI website includes the line "Please note that the FEI Calendar for 2023 is pending FEI approval until further notice," but the actual presence of those five CDI's on the calendar caused upset in the international dressage community.
War in Ukraine
On 2 March 2022 the FEI Board took an Emergency Board Resolution to prohibit the participation of all Russian and Belarusian Athletes, Horses and Officials in international events following the recommendation of the IOC Executive Board on 28 February 2022, and in accordance with Article 20.3 of the FEI Statutes. On 28 February 2022 the FEI removed all international equestrian events in those countries from the 2022 calendar.
With this resolution the FEI Board condemned the invasion of Ukraine by Russian military forces and the support provided by the government of Belarus.
The Russian equestrian federation appealed this decision with the FEI Tribunal but lost the appeal.
CDI's In RUS/BLR in 2023?
The Russian Equestrian federation has added three CDI's on the calendar for 2023: Nizhniy Novgorod (7 - 11 June 2023), Moscow Otrada (24 - 27 August 2023) and Moscow New Century (20 - 25 September 2023). Two CDI's in Belarus are listed, both in Minsk at Ratomka on 19 - 23 April 2023 and 4 - 8 October 2023.
Eurodressage inquired with the FEI Dressage Director Bettina de Rham if these competitions will actually take place. Malina Gueorguiev, manager of the communications department, replied:
"On 28 February the FEI Executive Board tasked the Secretary General to remove all international equestrian events in Russia and Belarus from the 2022 FEI Calendar. This decision is applicable to the FEI Calendar for 2022 only," said Gueorguiev. "Given that the respective National Federations – the Federation of Equestrian Sport of Russia and the Equestrian Federation of Belarus - were not suspended, they were entitled to submit applications for the FEI Calendar for 2023 by the statutory deadline of 1 October."
Pending Approval
"The Secretary General is reviewing all applications, and this includes taking into consideration date clash rules and any other potential provisions," said Gueorguiev. "No decision has been made yet as to whether the Federation of Equestrian Sport of Russia and the Equestrian Federation of Belarus shall be entitled to host FEI Events in 2023."
She continued, "Prohibition on participation of athletes, horses, and officials from Russia and Belarus in FEI events remains in force for the time being."
Gueorguiev could not say when the 2023 FEI calendar will be approved, nor when the FEI will take the decision if they are going to lengthen the ban of RUS/BLR athletes and officials from international equestrian sport.
Related Links
Russian Equestrian Federation Loses Appeal with FEI Tribunal against Being Barred from Sport
Russian and Belarusian Athletes, Horses & Officials Prohibited from Participating in FEI Events
FEI Removes all International Equestrian Events in Russia and Belarus
Belarusian Dressage Rider Olga Safranova Seeks Asylum in Poland