Spanish Grand Prix rider Alejandro Asencio Mendez saw his dream to be team selected for Spain dashed when his horse Gaviao dos Cedros suffered a colic on the way to the CDI Crozet last week.
Gaviao dos Cedros is a 12-year old Lusitano by Rubi AR out of Ufana (by Hostil). He is bred by Bruno Carrilho at Coudelaria Quinta Dos Cedros in Portugal.
In the winter of 2016-2017, the stallion sold to American Steve and Kathleen Shubin (née Harter) who run the company Equifoal S.L. in Seville, Spain. They sponsor Asencio on several horses and also bought Vivino in April 2021 (The now 7-year old Vivino has only been shown once so far, in September 2021).
According to Equitacao the stallion was produced to FEI level by Vasco Mira Godinho under the guidance of Miguel Ralao Duarte. Out of 9 national competition starts in Portugal, the horse won seven times and was second twice.
Asencio made his international show debut on Gaviao at the 2018 CDI Segovia in the 7-year old classes. They competed at the 2018 World Young Horse Championships in Ermelo and were 27th in the consolation finals.
Four years later they returned to the CDI ring at Grand Prix level in Madrid and posted 68.956% in their first international Grand Prix test. In 2023 they competed at CDI's in Jerez, Segovia and Kronberg. They were sixth at the 2023 Spanish Dressage Championships and got long listed for Spanish team selection for the 2023 European Dressage Championships.
En route to the CDI Crozet in France, Gaviao unfortunately suffered a colic and had to be operated on in an equine clinic in Marseille.
"Things are going well but we'll have to wait and see. The most important is that he's well and that he'll recover. He will tell us what he needs," Alejandro told Ecuestre.es.
Photo © Lily Forado
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