Pony Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Van Twist, Rucinska, Tissot
- 1. Sofia Rosenkilde - Cosmo Royale- 72.333% (Denmark)
- 2. Feodora Von Roeder - Morgensterns Delicius - 72.286% (Germany)
- 3. Sissi Gijsen - New Star - 71.286% (Holland)
- 4. Nora Feldmann - Beauty W - 70.714% (Germany)
- 5. Helena Theeuwes - Matteo - 70.429% (Belgium)
- 6. Lilli Von Helldorff - Dobbi Dobsen - 70.428% (Germany)
- 7. Sanne Glissenaar - Filippo - 70.000% (Holland)
- 8. Sofia Games - Steendieks Cadillac - 69.476% (Belgium)
- 9. Emilie Hansen - Bossa Nova Bitsch - 68.905% (Denmark)
- 10. Noemie Haxaire - Dante B - 68.809% (France)
- 11 Olesia Volkovetska - N-constantino V/d Bolkerhoeve - 68.095% (Ukraine)
- 12. Britt Kikkert-van Der Linde - Nur Fuer Dich - 67.429% (Holland)
- 13. Brecht Lunenburg - Million Dollar Girl - 67.000% (Holland)
- 14. Robin Dicker - Hulst Isadora - 66.333% (Holland)
- 15. Maline Van Tulder - Lex - 66.095% (Belgium)
- 16. Timothe Viaud - Dazzling Kid D'herbord - 65.238 (France)
- 17. Féline Verreet - De Booij - Pav Nikkei - 64.905% (Belgium)
- 18. Maud Giethoorn - Dancing Kiss - 63.905% (Holland)
- 19. Myrthe Van Der Weele - My Fair Lady 'd' Prinsenhof's - 61.000% (Holland)
- 20. Eva Sanchez - Miami - 57.810% (Fra,ce)
Pony Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Smeets, Wolfs, Rucinska
- 1. Feodora Von Roeder 215 Morgensterns Delicius - 74.189% (Germany)
- 2. Nora Feldmann - Beauty W - 72.793% (Germany)
- 3. Lilli Von Helldorff - Dobbi Dobsen - 72.612% (Germany)
- 4. Sissi Gijsen - New Star - 70.496% (Holland)
- 5. Sofia Rosenkilde - Cosmo Royale - 70.406% (denmark)
- 6. Olesia Volkovetska - N Constantino van de Bolkerhoeve - 69.459% (Ukraine)
- 7. Féline Verreet De Booij - Pav Nikkei - 69.414% (Belgium)
- 8. Sanne Glissenaar - Filippo - 68.919% (Holland)
- 9. Emilie Hansen - Bossa Nova Bitsch - 68.784% (Denmark)
- 10 Britt Kikkert-van Der Linde - Nur Fuer Dich - 68.559% (Holland)
- 11. Helena Theeuwes - Matteo - 67.928% (Belgium)
- 12. Noemie Haxaire - Dante B - 67.522% (France)
- 13. Timothe Viaud - Dazzling Kid D'herbord - 66.892% (France)
- 14. Robin Dicker - Hulst Isadora - 65.631% (Holland)
- 15. Brecht Lunenburg - Million Dollar Girl - 65.496% (Holland)
- 16. Sofia Games - Steendieks Cadillac - 64.505% (Great Britain)
- 17. Maline Van Tulder - Lex - 64.324% (Belgium)
- 18. Myrthe Van Der Weele - My Fair Lady 'd' Prinsenhof's - 62.568% (Holland)
- 19. Maud Giethoorn - Dancing Kiss - 62.162% (Holland)
- Eva Sanchez - Miami - RET (France)
Pony Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Smeets, Tissot, van Twist
- 1. Feodora Von Roeder - Morgensterns Delicius - 76.783% (Germany)
- 2. Nora Feldmann - Beauty W - 75.058% (Germany)
- 3. Sofia Rosenkilde - Dsp Cosmo Royale - 74.583% (Denmark)
- 4. Sissi Gijsen - New Star - 74.092% (Holland)
- 5. Olesia Volkovetska - N-constantino V/d Bolkerhoeve - 73.658% (Ukraine)
- 6. Britt Kikkert-van Der Linde - Nur fur Dich - 72.850% (Holland)
- 7. Helena Theeuwes - Matteo - 72.425% (Belgium)
- 8. Timothe Viaud - Dazzling Kid D'herbord - 71.992% (France)
- 9. Noemie Haxaire - Dante B - 70.808% (France)
- 10. Lilli Von Helldorff - Dobbi Dobsen - 70.567% (Germany)
- 11. Robin Dicker - Hulst Isadora - 70.217% (Holland)
- 12. Sanne Glissenaar - Filippo - 69.483% (Holland)
- 13. Brecht Lunenburg - Million Dollar Girl - 69.208% (Holland)
- 14. Féline Verreet - De Booij - Pav Nikkei - 68.042% (Belgium)
- 15. Emilie Hansen - Bossa Nova Bitsch - 67.783% (Denmark)
Children - Preliminary Test
Judges: Smeets, Judet, Wolfs
- 1. Lilli Von Helldorff - Tropensonne - 79.982% (Germany)
- 2. Ava Osing - Darjeeling - 77.643% (Germany)
- 3. Greta Louise Wagner - Fashion Rose - 77.607% (Germany)
- 4. Felyne Boschloo-karsijns - Heavens Voice - 75.715% (Holland)
- 5. Britt Kikkert-van Der Linde - Jerenzo Texel - 74.357% (Holland)
- 6. Floor Kulik - Verdi De La Fazenda - 73.375% (Holland)
- 7. Levi Heusinkveld - Harimann - 72.786% (Holland)
Children - Team Championship Test
Judges: Judet, Rucinska, Van Daele
- 1. Lilli Von Helldorff - Tropensonne - 78.900% (Germany)
- 2. Floor Kulik - Verdi De La Fazenda - 75.850% (Holland)
- 3. Levi Heusinkveld - Harimann - 75.775% (Holland)
- 4. Felyne Boschloo-karsijns - Heavens Voice - 73.650% (Holland)
- 5. Ava Osing - Darjeeling - 71.625% (Germany)
- 6. Greta Louise Wagner - Fashion Rose - 71.475% (Germany)
- 7. Britt Kikkert-van Der Linde - Jerenzo Texel - 71.250% (Holland)
Children - Individual Test
Judges: Rucinska, Kessler, Smeets
- 1. Lilli Von Helldorff - Tropensonne - 77.324% (Germany)
- 2. Ava Osing - Darjeeling - 74.343% (Germany)
- 3. Felyne Boschloo-karsijns - Heavens Voice - 73.033% (Holland)
- 4. Britt Kikkert-van Der Linde - Jerenzo Texel - 72.144% (Holland)
- 5. Floor Kulik - Verdi De La Fazenda - 71.759% (Holland)
- 6. Levi Heusinkveld - Harimann - 71.574% (Holland)
- 7. Greta Louise Wagner 102 Fashion Rose - 69.866% (Germany)
Junior Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Judet, Wolfs, Van Daele
- 1. Lilly Marie Collin - Famous K - 73.737% (Germany)
- 2. Alix Von Borries - Feingefuehl - 72.121% (Germany)
- 3. Anna Peeters - Harlekin - 70.202% (Belgium)
- 4. Kebie Raaijmakers - Kevita - 70.000% (Holland)
- 5. Liezel Everars - Vigo Gold Na - 69.899% (Belgium)
- 6. Yasmin Westerink - Amphitryon - 69.848% (Holland)
- 7. Clara Cordes Arnkjaer - Brianna - 69.647% (Denmark)
- 8. Ines De Koninck - Feuerdorn Vb - 69.646% (France)
- 8. Theresa Rosenkilde - Blue Hors Zwobber - 69.646% (Denmark)
- 10. Sofia Games - Boccelli - 69.545% (Great Britain)
- 11. Jessica Nesselaar - Indigo - 69.495% (Holland)
- 12. Lou Eden Commenge - Legend Dancarino - 69.141% (France)
- 13. Rose Oatley - Sommernacht - 68.990% (Germany)
- 14. Tetiana Sokolova - Energy - 68.939% (Ukraine)
- 15. Esmee Boers - Kiki G - 68.788% (Holland)
- 16. Anique Frans - Jack Sparrow - 68.283 (Holland)
- 17. Amber Hennes - Allegro V/h Trichelhof - 68.031% (Belgium)
- 18. Dominique Van Dalsen - Just Johnson - 67.828% (Holland)
- 19. Lena Wolf - Sundancer - 67.525% (Luxembourg)
- 20. Mick Van Der Kort - Mambo - 67.475% (Holland)
- 21. Elise Verwimp - Just a Little Bit Krack Vh Klaverhof - 67.323% (Belgium)
- 22. Clara Merkt - Lirio Da Sernadinha - 66.364% (Germany)
- 23. Britt Van Hoof - Kanjer M - 65.505% (Belgium)
- 24 Angelina Kehr - Fame - 65.252% (Germany)
- 25. Max Van Durme - Imke Niki V.s - 65.202% (Belgium)
- 26. Nicolas Josse - Wait and See - 64.142% (Belgium)
- 27. Camille Grosjean - Wikingo De Mile - 63.939% (France)
- 28. Maline Van Tulder - Emmerson - 60.404% (Belgium)
- 29. Emilia Andersson - Finch Hatton - 58.384% (Sweden)
Junior Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Tissot, Van Daele, van Twist
- 1. Lilly Marie Collin - Famous K - 73.431% (Germany)
- 2. Rose Oatley - Sommernacht - 72.745% (Germany)
- 3. Alix Von Borries - Feingefuehl - 71.471% (Germany)
- 4. Clara Cordes Arnkjaer - Brianna- 71.372% (Denmark)
- 5. Kebie Raaijmakers - Kevita - 70.294% (Holland)
- 6. Ines De Koninck - Feuerdorn - 70.147% (France)
- 7. Theresa Rosenkilde - Blue Hors Zwobber - 69.608% (Denmark)
- 8. Esmee Boers - Kiki G - 69.510% (Holland)
- 9. Jessica Nesselaar - Indigo - 69.167% (Holland)
- 10. Lou Eden Commenge - Legend Dancarino - 68.716% (France)
- 11. Tetiana Sokolova - Energy - 68.677% (Ukraine)
- 12. Sofia Games - Boccelli - 68.431% (Great Britain)
- 13. Clara Merkt - Lirio Da Sernadinha - 67.990% (Germany)
- 14. Dominique Van Dalsen - Just Johnson - 67.157% (Holland)
- 15. Lena Wolf Sundancer - 66.559% (Luxembourg)
- 16. Anna Peeters - Harlekin - 66.373% (Belgium)
- 17. Yasmin Westerink - Amphitryon - 66.176% (Holland)
- 18. Liezel Everars - Vigo Gold Na - 65.588% (Belgium)
- 19. Mick Van Der Kort - Mambo - 65.490% (Holland)
- 20. Anique Frans - Jack Sparrow - 65.343% (Holland)
- 21. Nicolas Josse - Wait and See - 65.294% (Belgium)
- 22. Elise Verwimp - Just a Little Bit Krack Vh Klaverhof - 65.098% (Belgium)
- 23. Camille Grosjean - Wikingo De Mile - 64.657% (France)
- 24. Max Van Durme - Imke Niki V.s - 63.824% (Belgium)
- 25. Britt Van Hoof - Kanjer M - 63.137% (Belgium)
- 26. Emilia Andersson - Finch Hatton - 59.461% (Sweden)
- Angelina Kehr - Fame - ELI (Germany)
- Maline Van Tulder Emmerson - ELI (Belgium)
- Amber Hennes - Allegro V/h Trichelhof - ELI (Belgium)
Junior Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Judet, van Daele, Wolfs
- 1. Alix Von Borries - Feingefuehl - 75.700% (Germany)
- 2. Kebie Raaijmakers - Kevita - 74.558% (Holland)
- 3. Clara Cordes Arnkjaer - Brianna - 73.808% (Denmark)
- 4. Esmee Boers - Kiki G - 73.767% (Holland)
- 5. Dominique Van Dalsen - Just Johnson - 72.683% (Holland)
- 6. Theresa Rosenkilde - Blue Horse Zwobber - 72.300% (Denmark)
- 6. Ines De Koninck - Feuerdorn Vb - 72.300%
- 8. Anna Peeters - Harlekin - 72.225% (Belgium)
- 9. Lou Eden Commenge - Legend Dancarino - 72.033% (France)
- 10. Lilly Marie Collin - Famous K - 71.958% (Germany)
- 11. Jessica Nesselaar - Indigo - 71.258% (Holland)
- 12. Tetiana Sokolova - Energy - 70.875% (Ukraine)
- 13. Sofia Games - Boccelli - 70.575% (Great Britain)
- 14. Clara Merkt - Lirio Da Sernadinha - 70.542% (Germany)
- 15. Lena Wolf - Sundancer - 70.408% (Luxembourg)
Young Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Smeets, van Twist, Rucinska
- 1. Wynja Eriksdotter Rubin - El Diablo - 70.735% (Sweden)
- 2. Lana-pinou Baumgürtel - Emma - 70.588% (Germany)
- 3. Amanda Lindholm - Tiramisu - 70.147% (Sweden)
- 4. Jette De Jong - Heavenly Charming - 70.000% (Belgium)
- 5. Clara Collard - Escape - 69.794% (Belgium)
- 6. Isabelle Bergsma - Havita - 69.265% (Holland)
- 7. Ava Krause - Geronimo - 68.676% (Holland)
- 8. Micky Schelstraete - Donovan - 68.382% (Holland)
- 9. Marieke Van Nespen - Just Cavalli P - 68.284% (Belgium)
- 10. Louisa Valkyser - Zenario - 68.088% (France)
- 11. Michiel Nevelsteen - Lars Van Het Kristoffelhof - 67.402% (Belgium)
- 12. Lara Van Nek - Jamsession Taonga - 67.353% (Holland)
- 13. Antonia Richter - Fior Da Liso - 66.323% (Hungary)
- 14. Anne Louise Bertagne - Vivaldi De Maziere - 66.079% (France)
- 15. Jamie Van Egdom - Dancing Soulmate - 65.883% (Holland)
- 16. Mirthe Van Doremalen - I Am Special - 65.873% (Holland)
- 17. Robin Robert - Divin Weltino - 65.735% (Belgium)
- 18. Hermione Tottman - Exquisite - 65.245% (Great Britain)
- 19. Margaretha Rosenkilde - Tiger G - 64.863% (Denmark)
- 20. Nina Woerts - Izardale - 64.020% (Holland)
- 21. Tessa Van Hemert - Sir Brightling - 63.872% (Holland)
- 22. Louise Brantefjord - Grey Galaxy - 63.725% (Sweden)
- 23. Ella Lostria - Lionel Richie - 62.941% (France)
- 24. Jamie-lee Lange - Bardolino - 58.627% (Luxembourg)
Young Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Wolfs, Smeets, Judet
- 1. Lana-pinou Baumgürtel - Emma - 70.392% (Germany)
- 2. Amanda Lindholm - Tiramisu - 69.657% (Sweden)
- 3. Wynja Eriksdotter Rubin - El Diablo - 69.657% (Sweden)
- 4 Isabelle Bergsma - Havita Omhg - 69.314% (Holland)
- 5. Louisa Valkyser - Zenario - 69.167% (France)
- 6. Nina Woerts - Izardale - 68.726% (Holland)
- 7. Marieke Van Nespen - Just Cavalli P - 68.284% (Belgium)
- 8. Ava Krause - Geronimo - 68.137% (Holland)
- 9. Margaretha Rosenkilde - Tiger G - 67.941% (Denmark)
- 10. Jamie Van Egdom - Dancing Soulmate - 67.794% (Holland)
- 11. Jette De Jong - Heavenly Charming - 67.745% (Belgium)
- 12. Mirthe Van Doremalen - I Am Special - 67.500% (Holland)
- 12. Lara Van Nek - Jamsession Taonga - 67.500% (Holland)
- 14. Michiel Nevelsteen - Lars Van Het Kristoffelhof - 67.010% (Belgium)
- 15. Micky Schelstraete - Donovan - 66.911% (Holland)
- 16. Jamie-lee Lange - Bardolino - 66.520% (Luxembourg)
- 17. Louise Brantefjord - Grey Galaxy - 66.471% (Sweden)
- 18. Antonia Richter - Fior Da Liso - 66.275% (Hungary)
- 19. Hermione Tottman - Exquisite - 65.637% (Great Britain)
- 20. Tessa Van Hemert - Sir Brightling - 65.441% (Holland)
- 21. Clara Collard - Escape - 65.392% (Belgium)
- 22. Robin Robert - Divin Weltino - 65.294% (Belgium)
- 23. Anne Louise Bertagne - Vivaldi De Maziere - 64.804% (France)
- 24. Ella Lostria - Lionel Richie - 63.529% (France)
- 25. Valentin Munkedal - Severis Jody - 63.431% (Denmark)
Young Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Van Twist, Tissot, Kessler
- 1. Amanda Lindholm - Tiramisu - 75.267% (Sweden)
- 2. Lana-pinou Baumgürtel - Emma - 72.692% (Germany)
- 3. Wynja Eriksdotter Rubin - El Diablo - 71.750% (Sweden)
- 4. Jamie Van Egdom - Dancing Soulmate - 71.558% (Holland)
- 5. Jette De Jong - Heavenly Charming - 71.458%
- 6. Isabelle Bergsma - Havita - 71.117% (Holland)
- 7. Marieke Van Nespen - Just Cavalli P - 71.017% (Belgium)
- 8. Ava Krause - Geronimo - 70.875% (Holland)
- 9. Margaretha Rosenkilde - Tiger G - 69.725% (Denmark)
- 10. Mirthe Van Doremalen - I Am Special - 69.458% (Holland)
- 11. Michiel Nevelsteen - Lars Van Het Kristoffelhof - 69.008% (Belgium)
- 12. Lara Van Nek - Jamsession Taonga - 68.450% (Holland)
- 13. Micky Schelstraete - Donovan - 68.292% (Holland)
- 14. Louisa Valkyser - Zenario - 67.192% (France)
- 15. Nina Woerts - Izardale - 66.950% (Holland)
Prix St Georges
Judges: Smeets, Kessler, Tissot, Van Twist, Sogaard
- 1. Tommie Visser - Karma Begijnhoeve - 71.823% (Belgium)
- 2. Jessica Dunn - Dan Its Carston - 71.265% (Great Britain)
- 3. Eline Borrey De Coninck - Dollars - 70.912% (Belgium)
- 4. Ann-kathrin Lachemann - Clara Korn - 70.265% (Germany)
- 5. Danielle Heijkoop - Mac Toto Usb - 69.853% (Holland)
- 6. Claire-louise Averkorn - For Future W - 69.735% (Germany)
- 7. Suraya Hendrikx - Benicia - 69.294% (Belgium)
- 8. Cyriel De Coker - Jillz Urona - 68.470% (Belgium)
- 9. Domien Michiels - Panthero Van De Vogelzang - 68.382% (Belgium)
- 10. Roy First - Ecstasy F - 68.324% (Israel)
- 11. Julia Werning - Ascon-martin - 68.000% (Germany)
- 12. Rob Van Puijenbroek - Quinten Begijnhoeve - 67.971% (Belgium)
- 13. Aure Spleeters - Furby De La Ferme Rose - 67.765% (Belgium)
- 14. Jorinde Verwimp - Vicomte De Reyves - 67.471% (Belgium)
- 15. Danielle Heijkoop - Livius - 67.441% (Holland)
- 16. Antonia Christine Palma E Santos - Picasso - 67.324% (Norway)
- 17. Mercedes Fischer-busse - Sunny's Sister - 67.206% (Germany)
- 18. Rob Van Puijenbroek - Le Premier Begijnhoeve - 67.176% (Belgium)
- 19. Caroline Ulrici - Hidalgo Hn - 67.118% (Belgium)
- 20. Jeanine Nekeman - Jongleur Sth - 67.029% (Holland)
- 20. Ann-kathrin Lachemann - Florida's Dream - 67.029% (Germany)
- 22. Susanne Müller-windgassen - Gentleman Pleasure - 66.853% (Germany)
- 23. Severo Jurado Lopez - Krones Kingston - 66.559% (Spain)
- 24. Roy First - Infinity Win T - 66.494% (Israel)
- 25. Xanthe De Backer - Obi Van De Litzemaere - 65.706% (Belgium)
- 26. Albert Nap - Global Star - 64.706% (Holland)
- 27. Veronique Philippaerts-engelen - Golddream Vd Kempenhoeve - 64.176% (Belgium)
- 28. Ayko Mommaerts - Janarco - 63.735% (Belgium)
- 29. Irma Van Der Wal - Hummer - 62.706% (Holland)
- 30. Sudipti Hajela - Chinski - 60.559% (India)
Intermediaire I
Judges: Van Twist, Smeets, Pinteus, Sogaard, Kessler
- 1. Jessica Dunn - Dan Its Carston - 72.294% (Great Britain)
- 2. Aure Spleeters - Furby De La Ferme Rose - 69.206% (Belgium)
- 3. Eline Borrey De Coninck - Dollars - 68.971% (Belgium)
- 4. Roy First - Ecstasy F - 67.970% (Israel)
- 5. Domien Michiels - Panthero Van De Vogelzang - 67.853% (Belgium)
- 6. Ann-kathrin Lachemann - Clara Korn - 67.823% (Germany)
- 7. Danielle Heijkoop - Livius - 67.324% (Holland)
- 8. Ann-kathrin Lachemann - Florida's Dream - 67.265% (Germany)
- 9. Susanne Müller-windgassen - Gentleman Pleasure - 66.118% (Germany)
- 10. Rob Van Puijenbroek - Le Premier Begijnhoeve - 66.000% (Belgium)
- 11. Antonia Christine Palma E Santos - Picasso - 65.941% (Norway)
- 12. Mercedes Fischer-busse - Sunny's Sister - 65.794% (Germany)
- 13. Claire-louise Averkorn - for Future W - 65.765% (Germany)
- 14. Jeanine Nekeman - Jongleur Sth - 63.294% (Holland)
- 15. Julia Werning - Ascon-martin - 62.470% (Germany)
Intermediaire I Kur to Music
Judges: Kessler, Pinteus, Van twist, Sogaard, Smeets
- 1. Jorinde Verwimp - Vicomte De Reyves - 73.575% (Belgium)
- 2. Tommie Visser - Karma Begijnhoeve - 73.570% (Belgium)
- 3. Rob Van Puijenbroek - Quinten Begijnhoeve - 73.415% (Belgium)
- 4. Cyriel De Coker - Jillz Urona - 71.930% (Belgium)
- 5. Danielle Heijkoop - Mac Toto Usb - 71.615% (Holland)
- 6. Suraya Hendrikx - Benicia - 71.600% (Belgium)
- 7. Caroline Ulrici - Hidalgo Hn - 71.585% (Belgium)
- 8. Roy First - Infinity Win T - 70.535% (Israel)
- 9. Albert Nap - Global Star - 70.050% (Holland)
- 10. Ayko Mommaerts - Janarco - 68.685% (Belgium)
- 11. Xanthe De Backer - Obi Van De Litzemaere - 67.395% (Belgium)
- 12. Irma Van Der Wal - Hummer - 66.620% (Holland)
- 13. Veronique Philippaerts-engelen - Golddream Vd Kempenhoeve - 66.150% (Belgium)
- 14. Sudipti Hajela - Chinski - 63.515% (India)
Under 25 - Intermediaire II
Judges: Van Daele, Tissot, Wolfs
- 1. Luca Sophia Collin - Fuhur - 72.010% (Germany)
- 2. Amber Van Den Steen - Fame - 69.951% (Belgium)
- 3. Kimberly Pap - Just a Dream - 69.461% (Holland)
- 4. Milou Dees - Francesco - 69.461% (Holland)
- 5. Adrian Roldan Narvaez - Floyd - 68.872% (Spain)
- 6. Suraya Hendrikx - Dear Friend - 68.382% (Belgium)
- 7. Julia Bouthoorn - Choice Finch - 67.745% (Holland)
- 8. Rowena Weggelaar - Don Quichot - 67.647% (Holland)
- 9. Ellen Hedbys - Sonnenkonigin - 67.500% (Sweden)
- 10. Carla Marie Dufil - Eppo - 66.520% (France)
- 11. Julia Álvarez Abad - Dark Rose De Fangar - 65.637% (Spain)
- 12. Sophie Jamar - De Maisiere - 64.657% (Belgium)
- 13. Ella Lostria - Crymlyn - 64.314% (France)
- 14. Lauranne Lammens - Hilcara Van Het Vijverbos - 63.970% (Belgium)
- 15. Diego Martinez Del Moral - for Olimpic Games - 62.941% (Spain)
Under 25 - Short Grand Prix
Judges: Rucinska, Van Twist, Tissot
- 1. Amber Van Den Steen - Fame - 70.384% (Belgium)
- 2. Luca Sophia Collin - Fuhur - 69.744% (Germany)
- 3. Kimberly Pap - Just a Dream - 68.974% (Holland)
- 4. Milou Dees - Francesco - 67.436% (Holland)
- 5. Rowena Weggelaar - Don Quichot - 66.923% (Holland)
- 6. Adrian Roldan Narvaez - Floyd - 66.880% (Spain)
- 7. Suraya Hendrikx - Dear Friend - 66.282% (Belgium)
- 8. Julia Bouthoorn - Choice Finch - 66.239% (Holland)
- 9. Ellen Hedbys - Sonnenkonigin - 65.043% (Sweden)
- 10. Ella Lostria - Crymlyn - 64.786% (France)
- 11. Carla Marie Dufil - Eppo - 63.974% (France)
- 12. Sophie Jamar - De Maisiere - 63.761% (Belgium)
- 13. Lauranne Lammens - Hilcara Van Het Vijverbos - 62.094% (Belgium)
- 14. Julia Álvarez Abad - Dark Rose De Fangar - 60.299% (Spain)
- 15. Diego Martinez Del Moral - for Olimpic Games - 60.128% (Spain)
Under 25 - Kur to Music
Judges: Judet, Wolfs, Van Daele
- 1. Luca Sophia Collin - Fuhur - 76.758% (Germany)
- 2. Amber Van Den Steen - Fame - 74.142% (Belgium)
- 3. Rowena Weggelaar - Don Quichot - 73.550% (Holland)
- 4. Julia Bouthoorn - Choice Finch - 72.917% (Holland)
- 5. Milou Dees - Francesco - 72.817% (Holland)
- 6. Kimberly Pap - Just a Dream - 72.358% (Holland)
- 7. Suraya Hendrikx - Dear Friend - 71.025% (Belgium)
- 8. Sophie Jamar - De Maisiere - 70.092% (Belgium)
- 9. Ellen Hedbys - Sonnenkonigin - 68.417% (Sweden)
- 10. Carla Marie Dufil - Eppo - 67.992% (France)
- 11. Adrian Roldan Narvaez - Floyd - 64.567% (Spain)
- 12. Ella Lostria - Crymlyn - 63.950%
Grand Prix - 3*
Judges: Van Daele, Pinteus, Truppa, Nivelle, Judet
- 1. Charlotte Dujardin - Alive and Kicking - 75.043% (Great Britain)
- 2. Charlotte Fry - Nespresso - 74.283% (Great Britain)
- 3. Patrik Kittel - Jovian - 73.739% (Sweden)
- 4. Semmieke Rothenberger - Flanell - 72.587% (Germany)
- 5. Malin Wahlkamp-nilsson - Zackson - 72.522% (Sweden)
- 6. Severo Jurado Lopez - Incrivel - 70.478% (Spain)
- 7. Fabienne Müller-lütkemeier - Valesco - 70.391% (Germany)
- 8. Luca Sophia Collin - Ferrero D - 70.022% (Germany)
- 9. Alizee Roussel - Bel Amour - 69.913% (France)
- 10. Laureen Poncelet - Sir Rubinus - 69.283% (Belgium)
- 11. Nuno Palma Santos - Fortunity S - 69.261% (Portugal)
- 12. Claudio Castilla Ruiz - Jota Das Figueiras - 69.022% (Spain)
- 13. Warwick Mclean - Hendrix - 68.782% (Australia)
- 14. Caroline Ulrici - Hernesto Hn - 68.609% (Belgium)
- 15. Juan Antonio Jimenez - Quartar - 68.348% (Spain)
- 16. Carina Scholz - Quinto - 68.304% (Germany)
- 17. Jennifer Sekreve - Hitmaker - 68.239% (Holland)
- 18. Sarah Millis - Impressive Vdc - 68.217% (Great Britain)
- 19. Ineke Den Drijver - Hugo - 67.891% (Holland)
- 20. Jeroen Devroe - Jackpot - 67.761% (Belgium)
- 21. Caroline Godin - Querida De Hus - 67.565% (France)
- 22. Kebie Van Der Heijden - Jackpot - 67.413% (Holland)
- 23. Joana Peterka - Davidoff Ter Kwincke - 67.391% (Germany)
- 24. Jacco Doornwaard - It's Easy - 67.152% (Holland)
- 25. Sergio García Bermejo - Quadroneur - 67.000% (Spain)
- 26. Jayden Brown - Sky Diamond - 66.544% (Australia)
- 27. Jeanine Nekeman - Game Boy - 66.370% (Holland)
- 28. Tereza Van Malderen - Quantum Leap Van't Genthof - 66.000% (Czech)
- 29. Larissa Pauluis - Jordy Hbc - 65.543% (Belgium)
- 30. Nicola Ahorner - Marshall-bell - 65.478% (Israel)
- 31. Richard Davison - Intero - 65.348% (Great Britain)
- 32. Lisa Lesley Marriott - Valucio Dh Z - 65.239% (Great Britain)
- 33. Dane Rawlins - Etoile - 65.152% (Ireland)
- 34. Susanne Müller-windgassen - Rudolfo Santo Negro - 64.587% (Germany)
- 35. Stephanie Brieussel - Quaterhit - 63.609% (France)
- 36. Lucia Gallardo Muñoz - Hip by Johnson - 63.522% (Spain)
- 37. Tatiana Antonenco - Helsinki - 61.761% (Moldova)
- 38. Anu Sironen - Fiori Weltino - 60.413% (Finland)
- 39. Kevin Laevens - Kozinsky Vd Dries - 59.304% (Belgium)
- 40. Uta Wüsthof - Divino Chico - 57.826% (Germany)
- Claire-louise Averkorn - Fuerst Dantino - ELI (Germany)
Grand Prix Special - 3*
Judges: Wolfs, Judet, Kessler, Van Daele, Pinteus
- 1. Charlotte Dujardin - Alive and Kicking - 75.192% (Great Britain)
- 2. Semmieke Rothenberger - Flanell - 74.426% (Germany)
- 3. Patrik Kittel - Jovian - 73.298% (Sweden)
- 4. Severo Jurado Lopez - Incrivel - 71.936% (Spain)
- 5. Alizee Roussel - Bel Amour - 70.681% (France)
- 6. Fabienne Müller-lütkemeier - Valesco - 70.532% (Germany)
- 7. Luca Sophia Collin - Ferrero D - 68.936% (Germany)
- 8. Juan Antonio Jimenez Cobo - Quartar - 68.596% (Spain)
- 9. Jeanine Nekeman - Game Boy Sth - 68.532% (Holland)
- 10. Claudio Castilla Ruiz - Jota Das Figueiras - 68.042% (Spain)
- 11. Joana Peterka - Davidoff Ter Kwincke - 67.851% (Germany)
- 12. Warwick Mclean - Hendrix - 67.489% (Australia)
- 13. Nuno Palma Santos - Fortunity S - 67.341% (Portugal)
- 14. Kebie Van Der Heijden - Jackpot - 66.638% (Holland)
- 15. Larissa Pauluis - Jordy Hbc - 66.362% (Belgium)
- 16. Jayden Brown - Sky Diamond - 65.298% (Australia)
- 17. Sarah Millis - Impressive Vdc - 64.127% (Great Britain)
- 18. Jeroen Devroe - Jackpot - 61.830% (Belgium)
Grand Prix Kur to Music - 3*
Judges: Sogaard, Wolfs, Van Daele, Kessler, Judet
- 1. Charlotte Fry - Nespresso - 76.605% (Great Britain)
- 2. Malin Wahlkamp-nilsson - Zackson - 76.020% (Sweden)
- 3. Carina Scholz - Quinto - 72.470% (Germany)
- 4. Jennifer Sekreve - Hitmaker - 72.330% (Holland)
- 5. Caroline Ulrici - Hernesto Hn - 72.205% (Belgium)
- 6. Laureen Poncelet - Sir Rubinus - 71.195% (Belgium)
- 7. Sergio García Bermejo - Quadroneur - 70.670% (Spain)
- 8. Caroline Godin - Querida De Hus - 70.210% (France)
- 9. Jacco Doornwaard - It's Easy - 69.680% (Holland)
- 10. Nicola Louise Ahorner - Marshall-bell - 69.275% (Israel)
- 11. Lisa Lesley Marriott - Valucio Dh Z - 68.745% (Great Britain)
- 12. Tereza Van Malderen - Quantum Leap Van't Genthof - 65.130% (Czech)
- 13. Tatiana Antonenco - Helsinki - 63.615% (Moldova)
- 14. Anu Sironen - Fiori Weltino - 61.845% (finland)
- Ineke Den Drijver - Hugo - RET (Holland)
Grand Prix - 4*
Judges: Tissot, Van Twist, Nivelle, Smeets, Truppa
- 1. Therese Nilshagen - Dante Weltino OLD - 73.848% (Sweden)
- 2. Dorothee Schneider - Dayman - 73.522% (Germany)
- 3. Becky Moody - Jagerbomb - 72.543% (Great Britain)
- 4. Lyndal Oatley - Elvive - 72.413% (Australia)
- 5. Corentin Pottier - Gotilas - 72.130% (France)
- 6. Fabienne Lutkemeier - Valencia As - 72.087% (Germany)
- 7. Juliette Ramel - Gideon K.h. - 71.957% (Sweden)
- 8. Severo Jurado Lopez - Fuerstenglory OLD - 71.543% (Spain)
- 9. Larissa Pauluis - First- Step Valentin - 71.500% (Belgium)
- 10. Jayden Brown - Quincy B - 71.370% (Australia)
- 11. Beatriz Ferrer-salat - Elegance - 70.435% (Spain)
- 12. Fie Christine Skarsoe - Imperador Dos Cedros - 70.413% (Luxembourg)
- 13. Juan Antonio Jimenez - Euclides Mor - 69.696% (Spain)
- 14. Hans Peter Minderhoud - Invictus - 69.544% (Holland)
- 15. Camille Judet Cheret - Herelja Higgins - 69.500% (France)
- 16. Charlotte Fry - Especial - 69.413% (Great Britain)
- 17. Gerdine Maree - Holiday - 69.239% (Holland)
- 18. Geert Jan Raateland - Gladiator - 68.935% (Holland)
- 19. Richard White - Heroi Do Seixo - 68.630% (Great Britain)
- 20. Jeroen Devroe - Fiderprincess D - 68.587% (Belgium)
- 21. Lore Vandeborne - Ikke-pia V/d Bergerhoeve - 68.500% (Belgium)
- 22. Laurence Roos - Fil Rouge - 68.413% (Belgium)
- 23. Claudio Castilla Ruiz - Hi-rico Do Sobral - 68.304% (spain)
- 24. Laurens Vanderbeeken - Gamin Van Het Waterhof - 67.391% (Belgium)
- 25. Amandine Prevost - Quaterdance - 68.131% (Belgium)
- 26. Karen Nijvelt - Elysias - 68.065% (Holland)
- 27. Rita Ralao Duarte - Irao - 67.913% (Portugal)
- 28. Malin Wahlkamp-nilsson - Bergsjoholms Valbonne - 67.413% (Sweden)
- 29. Stephanie Brieussel - Fellini Du Soleil - 67.261% (France)
- 30. Helen Erbe - Carlos Frh - 67.108% (Germany)
- 31. Anu Sironen - Fioretto - 66.522% (Finland)
- 32. Benedek Pachl - Donna Friderika - 66.369% (Hungary-
- 33. Jorinde Verwimp - Charmer - 65.891% (Belgium)
- 34. Annabel Frenzen - Silberstern - 64.957% (Germany)
- 35. Dane Rawlins - Espoire - 64.261% (Ireland)
- 36. Tatiana Antonenco - Double Dutch - 63.391% (Moldova)
- 37. Christian Reisch - Qattani Frh - 63.217% (Austria)
- 38. Jennifer Harnett - Eximio - 63.043% (Ireland)
Grand Prix Special - 4*
Judges: Tissot, Pinteus, Nivelle, Truppa, van Daele
- 1. Dorothee Schneider - Dayman - 74.596% (Germany)
- 2. Becky Moody - Jagerbomb - 74.596% (Great Britain)
- 3. Therese Nilshagen - Dante Weltino Old - 73.979% (Sweden)
- 4. Corentin Pottier - Gotilas Du Feuillard - 72.660% (France)
- 5. Fabienne Müller-lütkemeier - Valencia as - 71.915% (Germany)
- 6. Charlotte Fry - Especial - 71.723% (Great Britain)
- 7. Juliette Ramel - Gideon K.h. - 71.660% (Sweden)
- 8. Beatriz Ferrer-salat - Elegance - 71.510% (Spain)
- 9. Hans Peter Minderhoud - Invictus - 71.468% (Holland)
- 10. Larissa Pauluis - First- Step Valentin - 71.213% (Belgium)
- 11. Malin Wahlkamp-nilsson - Bergsjoholms Valbonne - 70.426% (Sweden)
- 12. Jayden Brown - Quincy B - 69.958% (Australia)
- 13. Jeroen Devroe - Fiderprincess - 69.468% (Belgium)
- 14 Richard White - Heroi Do Seixo - 68.617% (Great Britain)
- 15. Rita Ralao Duarte - Irao - 67.830% (Portugal)
- 16. Gerdine Maree - Holiday - 67.277% (Holland)
- 17. Geert Jan Raateland - Gladiator - 67.128% (Holland)
Grand Prix Kur to Music - 4*
Judges: Truppa, Sogaard, Smeets, Nivelle, Kessler
- 1. Helen Erbe - Carlos Frh - 75.895% (Germany)
- 2. Severo Jurado Lopez - Fuerstenglory Old - 75.690% (Spain)
- 3. Camille Judet Cheret - Herelja Higgins - 74.205% (France)
- 4. Fie Christine Skarsoe - Imperador Dos Cedros - 73.920% (Luxembourg)
- 5. Laurence Roos - Fil Rouge - 73.650% (Belgium)
- 6. Lore Vandeborne - Ikke-pia V/d Bergerhoeve - 73.305% (Belgium)
- 7. Amandine Prevost - Quaterdance - 72.925% (Belgium)
- 8. Jorinde Verwimp - Charmer - 72.520% (Belgium)
- 9. Laurens Vanderbeeken - Gamin Van Het Waterhof - 72.495% (Belgium)
- 10. Claudio Castilla Ruiz - Hi-rico Do Sobral - 72.250% (Spain)
- 11. Juan Antonio Jimenez - Euclides Mor - 70.495% (Spain)
- 12. Benedek Pachl - Donna Friderika - 70.250% (Hungary)
- 13. Anu Sironen - Fioretto -68.900% (Finland)
- 14. Tatiana Antonenco - Double Dutch - 67.675% (Moldova.
- 15 Jennifer Harnett - Eximio - 67.665% (Ireland.
- 16 Dane Rawlins - Espoire - 64.245% (Ireland)