Discover the Heritage and Excellence of Lipica Stud Farm, Hosts of the 2024 CDI-W Lipica

Wed, 05/29/2024 - 14:27
2024 CDI-W Lipica
Visit the Lipica Stud Farm in Slovenia for an unforgettable equestrian journey :: Photo © Mitja Bozic

Discover the heritage and excellence of Lipica Stud Farm during your holidays or in particular during the 2024 CDI-W World Cup qualifier on 7 - 9 June 2024. You will embark on an unforgettable equestrian journey.

Lipica Stud Farm, the cradle of the world-renowned Lipizzan horses, invites equestrian enthusiasts and the public to explore its rich history and annual activities. As a beacon of equestrian excellence, Lipica promises a blend of tradition, elegance, and superior horse breeding that continues to captivate visitors from around the globe.

A Glimpse into History

Founded in 1580, Lipica Stud Farm is one of the oldest stud farms in the world. Nestled in the picturesque Karst region in Slovenia, it has been the primary breeding ground for the majestic Lipizzan horses for over four centuries. The farm's legacy began when Archduke Charles II of Austria imported Spanish horses to breed with local Karst mares, creating the foundation for the Lipizzan lineage. This historical legacy continues to be preserved, making Lipica a symbol of equestrian heritage.

Meet the famous Lipizzan horse
Lipica Stud Farm is a premier equestrian institution dedicated to the breeding and training of the prestigious Lipizzan horses. With a history spanning over 400 years, Lipica continues to uphold its legacy of excellence, offering a unique blend of history, culture, and top-tier equestrian activities.

Annual Activities and Events

Throughout the year, Lipica Stud Farm hosts a variety of activities that showcase the skill and beauty of the Lipizzan horses. These include:

Dressage Performances: Witness the elegance of the Lipizzans in classical dressage performances, demonstrating their unique capabilities and the intricate bond between horse and rider.

Classical dressage training of the Lipizzaner horses
Guided Tours: Explore the farm's storied past and present through guided tours, offering insights into horse breeding, training, and the daily life of the Lipizzans.

Equestrian Workshops: Participate in workshops and training sessions led by experienced equestrians, designed for riders of all levels to improve their skills.

Special Events: Join us for special events like the Lipica Open Day, where the public can enjoy exhibitions, live music, and family-friendly activities.

With its own on-site hotel, Hotel Maestoso, you can stay and relax in comfort and luxury. 

Distinguished Guests

Hotel Maestoso
Lipica has been honoured by the presence of many esteemed guests, including royalty, dignitaries, and equestrian aficionados. The farm has welcomed visits from prominent figures such as the late Queen Elizabeth II and renowned equestrians who have praised Lipica's dedication to preserving the Lipizzan heritage.

Promoting Lipica

"By promoting the unparalleled legacy and activities of Lipica Stud Farm, we aim to attract a global audience, fostering a deeper appreciation for the art of horsemanship and the beauty of the Lipizzan horses," said Aaron Uazeua of the Liica Stud. "Our commitment to excellence ensures that every visitor leaves with a profound connection to these magnificent creatures and the historic grounds they call home."

International dressage competition at Lipica
The CDI-W Lipica is an important benchmark for the promotion of the stud and its commitment to dressage and horse breeding. On 7 - 9 June 2024 the venue will welcome international dressage riders from youth level to Grand Prix as well as young horses for an action packed competition programme. 

An panel of distinguished and experienced judges, including Thomas Lang, Maja Štukelj , Jacques van Daele , Nicoletta Milanese, Barbara Franyo, Dora Markun, and Maria Colliander will be officiating. The CDI-W Grand Prix and Kur to Music will be the feature classes of the weekend and promise to bring top sport and exciting to Slovenia.

Book a Visit

For more information about Lipica Stud Farm, upcoming events, or to book a visit, please contact us at or visit our website at

The famous Lipizzaner broodmares
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Photos © Kobilarna, Gabriele Boiselle, Jost Gantar