Mura Love was elected unopposed as the Dressage New Zealand's Judges Officer and Board Member for a three year term at the Dressage NZ Conference and Annual General Meeting.
Mura is of Ngati Porou descent and whakapapa to the hapu Ngati Konohi of Whangara on the East Coast near Gisborne, currently based in Christchurch. He progressed through the NZ National Dressage Judges system, becoming an FEI 3*/Level 2 Para Dressage, Level FEI 3*/Level Dressage Judge, and FEI Young Dressage Horse Judge.
He has officiated at many FEI Dressage and FEI Para Dressage Events in Europe, UK, throughout Asia, India, South America, Australia and in NZ. He has been an active member of the DNZ Judges Sub committee, supporting the administration of National Dressage in a number of roles and also many decision-making opportunities.
Vocational Background in Education
His vocational background is in education, and more recently in key areas of leadership within the NZ Ministry of Education. He has strengths in areas of governance, aspiring leadership in educational settings, and future forward strategic planning.
These are all fundamental skills and qualities that he brings to the position of Judges Officer that he believes complement the Administration of the JO Role within Dressage NZ.
Future Growth of Dressage
“Planning the Vision and Direction for future growth and development of Dressage (Judges) requires strong leadership, competence and experience to ensure that procedures and approaches are achievable, measurable and fit for purpose” said Mura.
“From my perspective this needs to be strategically well thought, well managed and well delivered across all areas of performance to create high standards across all initiatives that bring us forward into the digital age of technology and modernisation. This is vital and necessary, to enhance Educational opportunities going forward, including the wider aspects and jurisdiction processes Judges need to negotiate. I strongly believe that through an approach of valued, proactive and transparent lines of communication and care, we can also develop and strengthen positive relationships within our sport, create a sense of belonging and value. I am passionate about the sport of Dressage in New Zealand and the opportunity to be a part of its future direction”
-- Dressage NZ press release
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