Swedish equestrian magazine Ridsport announced that the Swedish Equestrian Federation has made nosebands optional in single bitted bridles in dressage as of 2025.
The rule change is not officially announced in the news section of the Swedish NF website.
"The bridle consists of a head piece with a throat strap, bit and reins. The noseband is optional,” the new Swedish dressage rule reads, coming into effect on 1 January 2025. However, a noseband will remain mandatory for a double bridle.
"We have welcomed the discussion about nosebands, whether they should or should not be, as well as how they should be measured. We have received a lot of input from the association about making nosebands voluntary, and now the dressage committee has agreed to this," said Andrea Barth, the director of operations for sport and competition at the Swedish NF.
As of 2025 the FEI will start measuring noseband tightness at international dressage shows using a measuring device. There needs to be at least 1,7 cm space between the noseband and nasal bone.
Photos © Silke Rottermann
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