The Dutch equestrian federation has changed its rules and as of 1 April 2025 competition in a bitless bridle is allowed up to ZZ-Zwaar level.
Bitless competition was already allowed up to ZZ-Licht level but the KNHS has now lifted the bar to ZZ-Zwaar, which is comparable to German//Danish/Belgium M-level - British Advanced Medium or US Fourth Level.
Both horses and ponies can be competed in a bitless bridle.
Regarding the adjustment in the regulations regarding bitless riding, discipline specialist dressage Cindy Heijligers says: “The KNHS is one of the few national federations that has allowed bitless riding in dressage competitions for a long time and is now expanding this possibility up to and including the ZZ-Zwaar class, where previously it was up to and including ZZ-Licht. Although there is not a lot of bitless riding at the higher levels, we want to offer riders who would like to do so the opportunity to make use of it.”
The introduction of bitless starting up to and including the ZZ-Zwaar class is an initiative of the dressage forum. Members of the KNHS dressage forum think about the development of dressage sport. The forum consists of dressage experts from the various KNHS regions. They meet a few times a year to exchange ideas about the development and future of dressage sport. The dressage forum is supported by the KNHS work organization by dressage discipline specialists Cindy Heijligers and Arjen Coppoolse.
The Dutch Equestrian federation also allows the competition in a snaffle up to Grand Prix level. This rule came in effect in 2010.
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