What's Happening: January 2004

Fri, 01/30/2004 - 00:00
What's Happening in the Dressage World?
Uwe Schulten-Baumer :: Photo © Mary Phelps
Uwe Schulten-Baumer
Photo © Mary Phelps

Dr Uwe Schulten-Baumer celebrated his 78th birthday on January 14, 2004. Schulten-Baumer is one of the most renowned dressage trainers in the world and had Uwe Schulten-Baumer Jr., Nicole Uphoff and Isabell Werth amongst his most famous students. The latter two were both Olympic and World Champions. His stephdaughter Ellen Schulten-Baumer is currently running his barn in Rheinberg, Germany. January 14 was also the birthday of the legendary Dr Reiner Klimke, who would have turned 68 had he not passed away unexpectedly on August 17, 1999.

It might be old news, but at the end of October the Danish stallion Lillemarkens Arkibald DVH 529(Racot x Sorel) suffered from a severe colic attack and had to be operated on. Arkibald's owner Emma Hindle of Brookhouse Stud was forced to cancel all her competitions as the horse needs at least 5 months to recover. Arkibald is not up for stud for the 2004 breeding season.

Another October incident took place in Austria. Grand Prix dressage rider Nina Stadlinger fell off a young horse and had to be submitted to the hospital. A concussion was diagnosed and Stadlinger had to rest for a short period. She's back in the saddle now and will be going all the way with her horse Egalité in the 2004 show season.

The KWPN licensed stallion Inspekteur (Darwin x Amor) has been sold to Wendy van der Helm. A while ago it became knoww that Van der Helm would be training and competing him in aim for a spot in the 2004 Dutch Young Riders team. At the time it was said that Inspekteur was leased to Van der Helm, but her parents had in fact purchased the dark bay breeding stallion from owner Ari van Baalen. Wendy van der Helm currently has four Young Rider horses at her disposal.

According to Anky's website, Gestion Joker is no longer in training with Anky van Grunsven and Sjef Janssen. Joker (by Prince Tatch xx) has returned to his owner's place where he's been put in the pasture. Gestion Joker was Anky's upcoming Grand Prix horse in 1999-2000, but he only lasted a year in the competition ring. Joker did not compete for several years. Joker reappeared in the news when he had thrown off Anky in January 2003. For Anky, the spill had a complicated tigh bone fracture as a result and five months rehabilitation. When asked about Joker's whereabouts, Sjef Janssen refused to provide a comment, nor would he comment on the reason why Krack C has been absent from the show ring for a year now.

Arjen Teeuwissen returned from a trip to Australia where he gave a clinic at Dressage with the Stars. Arjen and his partner Frank Gerritsen were guests of organizers Dirk en Sicca Dijkstra. Arjen had to ride the winners of the FEI young horse classes and he gave a clinic at Dressage with the Stars, to which more than 2500 visitors flocked from entire Australia. Teeuwissen ended his vacation in Australia by visiting Rob and Mary Hanna, who also train with Anky van Grunsven.

What's in a name? The 2003 Oldenburg Licensing Champion, a dark bay Donnerhall x Kennedy colt, has been named Don Kennedy. The Reserve Champion, a Rubin Royal x Calmiro, is now called Rubin Cortes. The price highlight at the 2003 Trakehner Stallion Licensing, April First, was purchased by the Danish Blue Hors Stud. They gave the stallion by Buddenbrock the name Blue Hors Armano. The Hanoverian Licensing Champion by Londonderry xx x Weltmeyer has been named Liberty Gold by owner Otto Fuchs. Liberty Gold will be moving to Fuchs' Hilton Farm in Virginia, USA, after the stallion performance test. Lone Boegh Henriksen and her Danish friends decided on the name Rosentanz for the price highlight Rohdiamant x Sao Paulo stallion. Rosentanz is a direct referral to his former owner and discover Johaness Westendarp, who himself is standing Wolkentanz II. The horses purchased by Belgian stallion owners at the Hanoverian and Oldenburg licensing are calledAlabastro (Albaster x Abajo), Likoto Hit (Likoto xx x Rubinstein) and Sandrohall(Sandro Hit x Donnerhall).

Images copyrighted Mary Phelps - Dirk Caremans - Thomas Bach Jensen