Spring Memories For Autumn Melancholy
One can no longer deny it, autumn has arrived. Leaves are falling and cold, dreary winter is just around the corner. When one looks out of the window, all you can see are beautiful palets of red, brown, yellow, beige; the colors of the leaves turning. It's not longer all shades of green, it is the color of decay that is surrounding is.
I never found the time to share these images with you. On our spring trip to the Oldenburg Elite Mare show in Rastede, Germany, Eurodressage and its American Oldenburg friends stopped at a couple of breeder's farms to take photos of the herds and to inspect this year's crop of foals. Breeders such as Martin Detemann, Heiko Klausing, Clemens von Merveldt and Olliver Kotschofsky opened their gates to the mare fields...
The Klausing Herds
Though nested in Oldenburg country, Heiko Klausing is a renowned Hanoverian breeder.
Are these two mares identical copies of each other?
A bit further down the road on the left, hidden between gigantic corn fields, is the filly field.
When we entered their domaine, they all came running towards us like an army marching in ranks. They were all side by side, controlled, determined and curious. No maniac stampede took place in their field.
The fillies gathered round us in a big circle as if we were a totem round which an Indian dance was being held. When we left the others were looking towards the group, while the chestnut kept a suspicious eye on me. I love this photo.
Heiko is a successful breeder and rider. He won the Bundeschampionate aboard breeding stallion Don Larino (Donnerhall x Larinero), finished second with the Rohdiamant mare Ramina K (who sold to Sissy Max Theurer at the Verden Elite auction). Heiko's father Wilhelm bred Rhodes Scholar. Almost all mares at Hof Klausing are State Premium Mares. They also bred international dressage horses Placido (by Prestige Pilot) and Crisp (by Consul)
Curiosity at Kotschofsky
In the 80’s, Franz Kotschofsky changed to the Breeders Society of Oldenburger Horses. He bred continually successful jumping and dressage offspring, as well as many other award-winning mares and prize-winning stallions. During his lifetime, Franz Kotschofsky was already supported by his sons Klaus and Oliver. They continue to lead the business in his interest."
The picture left are the one year old geldings. They are look in perfect shape.
Text and Photos © Astrid Appels
Related Link
Photo Tour of the 2004 Oldenburg Elite Mare Show in Rastede