2006 CDI Hagen - 27 - 30 April 2006

Young Riders - Preliminary Test
- 1. Carolin van der Linde - Feinsinn NRW - 70.000 % (Germany)
- 2. Friederike Kampmeyer - Walky Talky - 69.259 % (Germany)
- 3. Marie Louisa Meyer - Di Ravelina - 68.241 % (Germany)
- 4. Andrea Villaverde - Anyway - 66.852 % (Holland)
- 5. Dirk Viebrock - Don Perignon - 65.926 % (Germany)
- 6. Anouk Vlaar - Opale - 65.556 % (Holland)
- 7. Andrea Timpe - Welttender - 65.185 % (Germany)
- 8. Anne Bendix - Prince Diamond - 64.722 % (Denmark)
- 9. Sally Makin - Watson - 64.352 % (England)
- 9. Andrina Sigrist - Muchacho - 64.352 % (Switzerland)
- 11. Sandra Ann Wunnerlich - Wandango B - 63.796 % (Germany)
- 12. Agnete Berner - Hyldegardens Radcliffe - 63.148 % (Denmark)
- 13. Yoni de Souter - Pentagon - 62.222 % (Belgium-
- 14. Sofie Olsen - Maneur - 62.130 % (Norway)
- 15. Jan Disterer - Libertee - 61.944 % (Germany)
- 16. Raphael Loison - Vivaldi van het Lindenhof - 61.759 % (France)
- 16. Angelixa Bystrom - Cezar - 61.759 % (Sweden)
Young Riders - Qualification for "Prix St Georges Finals"
- 1. Andrea Villaverde - Anyway - 67.852 % (Holland)
- 2. Anouk Vlaar - Opale - 67.630 % (Holland)
- 3. Marion Engelen - Fantaghiro - 67.333 % (Germany)
- 4. Agnete Berner - Hyldegardens Radcliffe - 66.667 % (Denmark)
- 5. Dirk Viebrock - Don Perignon - 65.926 % (Germany)
- 6. Jan Disterer - Libertee - 65.556 % (Germany)
- 7. Sandra Ann Wunnerlich - Wandango B - 65.333 % (Germany)
- 8. Sally Makin - Watson - 64.963 % (England)
- 9. Yoni de Souter - Pentagon - 64.370 % (Belgium-
- 10. Angelica Bystrom - Cezar - 61.481 % (Sweden)
- 11. Raphael Loison - Vivaldi van het Lindenhof - 60.815 % (France)
Young Riders - Qualification for "Kur Finals"
- 1. Carolin van der Linde - Feinsinn NRW - 73.185 % (Germany)
- 2. Friederike Kampmeyer - Walky Talky - 70.741 % (Germany)
- 3. Marie Louisa Meyer - Di Ravelina - 69.926 % (Germany)
- 4. Andrea Timpe - Welttender - 68.667 % (Germany)
- 5. Andrina Sigrist - Muchacho - 66.074 % (Switzerland)
- 6. Sofie Olsen - Maneur - 65.556 % (Norway)
- 7. Anne Bendix - Prince Diamond - 63.407 % (Denmark)
Prix St Georges
- 1. Anja Hermelink - Dionysos - 69.000 % (Germany)
- 2. Insa Hansen - Ideal - 68.000 % (Germany)
- 3. Jeanette Haazen - Nartan - 67.600 % (Holland)
- 4. Lilli Hoffmann - Athlet II - 67.450 % (Switzerland)
- 5. Bianca Kasselmann - Welt Hit VI - 67.250 % (Germany)
- 6. Ingrid Klimke - Lafayette Lord - 67.050 % (Germany)
- 7. Miriam Henschke - Walz of Flowers - 66.500 % (Germany)
- 8. Bianca Ramcke - Da Vinci - 66.450 % (Germany)
- 9. Esther Albers Fleury - Nasty Boy - 66.250 % (Holland)
- 9. Heinz Holger Lammers - Perikles - 66.250 % (Germany)
- 11. Matthias Rath - Weltmeyer Junior - 65.900 % (Germany)
- 12. Christoph Koschel - D'accord - 65.750 % (Germany)
- 13. Ruth van Campen - Capriccio - 65.350 % (Belgium)
- 14. Stefanie Kerner - Nadeje - 64.550 % (Germany)
- 15. Kyra Kyrklund - Feramo - 63.650 % (Finland)
- 16. Emily Ward - Milan - 63.000 % (Antilles)
- 17. Inessa Poturaeva - Slavyansk - 62.200 % (Russia)
- 18. Ona Dewaegenaere - Mircodion - 61.400 % (Belgium)
- 19. Diana van der Spek - Mister DS - 60.750 % (Holland)
- 20. Nathalie Hobday - Don Bubano - 58.400 % (South Africa)
Prix St Georges for Intermediaire I Kur
- 1. Anja Hermelink - Dionysos - 70.250 % (Germany)
- 2. Matthias Rath - Weltmeyer Junior - 68.500 % (Germany)
- 3. Miriam Henschke - Walz of Flowers - 67.800 % (Germany)
- 4. Lilli Hoffmann - Athlet II - 67.700 % (Switzerland)
- 5. Insa Hansen - Ideal - 67.300 % (Germany)
- 6. Jeanette Haazen - Nartan - 66.700 % (Holland)
- 7. Heinz Holger Lammers - Perikles - 65.450 % (Germany)
- 7. Bianca Kasselmann - Welt Hit VI - 65.450 % (Germany)
- 9. Ingrid Klimke - Lafayette Lord - 65.250 % (Germany)
- 10. Bianca Ramcke - Da Vinci - 65.150 % (Germany)
- 11. Esther Fleury Albers - Nasty Boy - 64.700 % (Holland)
- 12. Christoph Koschel - D'accord - 64.050 % (Germany)
- 13. Stefanie Kerner - Nadeje - 63.500 % (Germany)
- 14. Ruth van Campen - Capriccio - 63.300 % (Belgium)
- 15. Emily Ward - Milan - 61.650 % (Antilles)
- 16. Natalie Hobday - Don Bubano - 61.300 % (South Africa)
- 17. Ona Dewaegenaere - Mircodion - 61.000 % (Belgium)
- 18. Inessa Poturaeva - Slavyansk - 60.550 % (Russia)
- 19. Kyra Kyrklund - Feramo - 58.450 % (Finland)
- 20. Diana van der Spek - Mister DS - 57.350 % (Holland)
Grand Prix
- 1. Isabell Werth - Satchmo - 74.417 % (Germany)
- 2. Ann Kathrin Linsenhoff - Sterntaler-Unicef - 73.750 % (Germany)
- 3. Sylvia Iklé - Salieri CH - 73.333 % (Switzerland)
- 4. Kyra Kyrklund - Max - 71.458 % (Finland)
- 5. Per Sandgaard - Memphis - 71.250 % (Sweden)
- 6. Susanne Lebek - Healey's Beluga - 70.917 % (Germany)
- 7. Alexandra Korelova - Balagur - 70.583 % (Russia)
- 8. Matthias Rath - Renoir-Unicef - 69.958 % (Germany)
- 9. Kristya Oatley Nist - Quando-Quando - 68.958 % (Australia)
- 10. Hubertus Schmidt - Rossini - 68.708 % (Germany)
- 11. Jonny Hilberath - Fariano - 68.625 % (Germany)
- 12. Cindy Ishoy - Proton - 68.625 % (Canada)
- 13. Leslie Morse - Tip Top - 68.458 % (USA)
- 14. Marcela Krinke Susmelj - Corinth - 68.250 % (Switzerland)
- 15. Jochen Vetters - Fanano - 67.792 % (Germany)
- 16. Maria Eilberg - Two Sox - 67.375 % (England)
- 17. Catherina Haddad - Maximus - 67.333 % (USA)
- 18. Lilli Hoffmann - Ackeley - 67.042 % (Switzerland)
- 19. Christoph Koschel - Davinia - 66.875 % (Germany)
- 20. Tinne Vilhelmson - Just Mickey - 66.500% (Sweden)
- 21. Gina Capellmann Lutkemeier - Cashmere - 66.292% (Germany)
- 22. Katarzyna Milczarek - Lecantos - 66.208% (Poland)
- 23. Maria Eilberg - Teutone - 66.125 % (England)
- 24. Inessa Poturaeva - Zorro - 65.917% (Russia)
- 25. Anja Hermelink - Patmos - 65.542 % (Germany)
- 26. Johannes Augustin - Rioja - 65.083 % (Germany)
- 27. Nathalie Zu Saeyn Wittgenstein - Digby - 64.875 % (Denmark)
- 28. Jeanette Haazen - Ainsley's Quicksilver - 64.667% (Holland)
- 29. Zaneta Skowronska - Romeo - 64.375% (Poland)
- 30. Emily Ward - Vallon - 64.333 % (Antilles)
- 31. Caroline Bonde - Largo - 63.583 % (Sweden)
- 32. Tatiana Yanson - Ford - 63.458% (Russia)
- 33. Sarah Millis - Korenbloem O-Neil - 63.417 % (England)
- 34. Michal Rapewicz - Randon - 63.250 % (Poland)
- 35. Klaudyna Pisarska - Macho - 63.208% (Poland)
- 36. Natalie Hobday - Callaho Wenckstern - 63.125 % (South Africa)
- 37. Jenny Larsson - Goch - 62.708 % (Sweden)
- 38. Kuranojo Saito - Lotus - 62.708 % (Japan)
- 39. Andrea Timpe - Danny De Vito - 62.417 % (Germany)
- 40. Jacqueline van Grunsven - Mistral - 62.375 % (Holland)
- 41. Bianca Ramcke - Düne - 62.208 % (Germany)
- 41. Maren Frychel - Dossepfeil - 62.208 % (Germany)
- 43. Terhi Stegars - Valet - 61.042 % (Finland)
- 44. Margit Otto Crepin - Corlino - 58.333 % (France)
- 45. Masanao Takahashi - Cleveland - 59.125 % (Japan)
- 46. Judy Reynolds - Rathbawn Valet - 58.583 % (Ireland)
Grand Prix Special
- 1. Isabell Werth - Satchmo - 75.120 % (Germany)
- 2. Ann Kathrin Linsenhoff - Sterntaler-Unicef - 74.200 % (Germany)
- 3. Kyra Kyrklund - Max - 72.520 % (Finland)
- 4. Silvia Ikle - Salieri CH - 71.800 % (Switzerland).
- 5. Per Sandgaard - Memphis - 69.800 % (Sweden)
- 6. Hubertus Schmidt - Rossini - 69.720 % (Germany)
- 7. Kristy Oatley Nist - Quando-Quando - 69.120 % (Australia)
- 8. Jonny Hilberath - Fariano - 68.520 % (Germany)
- 9. Cindy Ishoy - Proton - 66.920 % (Canada)
- 10. Marcela Krinke Susmelj - Corinth - 66.640 % (Switzerland)
Grand Prix Kur to Music
- 1. Healey's Beluga - Lebek,Susanne - 73.81 % (Germany)
- 2. Tip Top - Morse,Leslie - 73.71 % (USA)
- 3. Renoir-Unicef - Rath,Matthias Alexander - 71.81 % (Germany)
- 4. Balagur - Korelova,Alexandra - 71.31 % (Russia)
- 5. Maximus JSS - Haddad,Catherine - 69.46 % (USA)
- 6. Two Sox - Eilberg,Maria - 68.39 % (England)
- 7. Patmos - Hermelink,Anja - 67.79 % (Germany)
- 8. Ackeley - Hoffmann,Lilli - 67.26 % (Switzerland)
- 9. Ainsley's Quicksilver - Haazen,Jeannette - 67.18 % (Holland)
- 10. Lecantos - Milczarek,Katarzyna - 61.78 % (Poland)
2006 German Championships for Professional Dressage Riders - Qualifier 1 (Grand Prix)
- 1. Falk Rosenbauer - Jamiro Rosso - 69.000 %
- 2. Derk Wieger de Boer - Cosmopolitan - 67.958 %
- 3. Marcus Erkens - May Fair - 67.917 %
- 4. Katrin Bettenworth - Ecu - 67.333 %
- 5. Insa Hansen - Insterburg - 67.000 %
- 6. Johannes Augustin - Norblin - 66.333 %
- 7. Ingrid Klimke - FBW Lonevan - 66.000 %
- 8. Bianca Kasselmann - Leopard - 65.167 %
- 9. Katrin Bettenworth - Sachsenkönig - 64.792 %
- 10. Bianca Kasselmann - Di Caprio - 64.708 %
- 11. Jorn Kubelke - Charmeur - 64.417 %
- 12. Markus Waterhues - Don Jos - 64.375 %
- 13. Hiltrud Mormann - Regent - 63.625 %
- 14. Eva Julie Knieps - Noerejev - 63.417 %
- 14. Sabine Becker - Lamarc - 63.417 %
- 16. Stefanie Kerner - Ricon - 63.042 %
- 16. Insa Hansen - Weltclassiker - 63.042 %
- 18. Ingrid Klimke - Robinson's Santa Cruz - 62.958 %
- 18. Bianca Ramcke - Düne - 62.958 %
- 20. Bernd Nothen - Arturo - 62.375 %
- 21. Ludger Konig - Orly's way - 62.333 %
- 22. Bianca Ramcke - Ivage - 62.250 %
- 22. Jonny Hilberath - Rossini W - 62.250 %
- 24. Uwe Duker - Welt-Heidjer - 61.250 %
- 25. Christoph Dust - Alec-Guinness - 60.625 %
- 26. Lotta Rask - Cresendo - 60.083 %
- 27. Julie Beatrice Rohr - HLO Bolino - 60.042 %
- 28. Jurgen Hofler - Cadeaux - 59.792 %
- 29. Christoph Dust - Donna - 59.583 %
- 30. Bodo Haase - Rubens K - 59.542 %
- 31. Michael Thieme - D'Olympic - 59.458 %
- 32. Jorn Kubelke - Cremona - 59.125 %
- 33. Johannes Lieberg - Federball - 58.958 %
- 34. Marion Wiebusch - Gilmore - 58.542 %
- 35. Bernd Nothen - Arino - 55.083 %
- 36. Jorgen Rask - Sonic - 54.708 % .
- 37. Janina Siemers - Christo - 52.417 %.
- 38. Joanna de Boer - Ginger - RET
- 38. Gunter Fritz - Damiral - RET
2006 German Championships for Professional Dressage Riders - Consolation Finals (Intermediaire II)
- 1. Bianca Ramcke - Ivage - 65.415 %
- 2. Bodo Haase - Rubens K - 64.098 %
- 3. Johannes Lieberg - Federball - 63.317 %
- 4. Uwe Duker - Welt-Heidjer - 63.268 %
- 5. Lotta Rask - Cresendo - 61.805 %
- 6. Marion Wiebusch - Gilmore - 60.732 %
- 7. Christoph Dust - Donna - 60.683 %
- 8. Julia Beatrice Rohr - HLO Bolino - 59.854 %
- 9. Bernd Nothen - Arino - 59.268 %
- 10. Michael Thieme - D'Olympic - 58.537 %
- 11. Jorgen Rask - Sonic - 57.268 %
- 12. Jorn Kubelke - Cremona - RET
- 12. Gunter Fritz - Damiral - RET
2006 German Championships for Professional Dressage Riders - Qualifier 2 (Grand Prix Special)
- 1. Falk Rosenbauer - Jamiro Rosso - 69.440 %
- 2. Ingrid Klimke - FBW Lonevan - 68.120 %
- 3. Katrin Bettenworth - Ecu - 67.560 %
- 4. Derk Wieger de Boer - Cosmopolitan - 67.440 %
- 5. Insa Hansen - Insterburg - 67.240 %
- 6. Insa Hansen - Weltclassiker - 66.920 %
- 7. Marcus Erkens - May Fair - 66.800 %
- 8. Bianca Kasselmann - Di Caprio - 65.680 %
- 9. Eva Julia Knieps - Noerejev - 65.000 %
- 10. Johannes Augustin - Norblin - 64.640 %
- 10. Sabine Becker - Lamarc - 64.640 %
- 12. Bianca Ramcke - Ivage - 64.160 %
- 13. Jorn Kubelke - Charmeur - 64.000 %
- 14. Bianca Ramcke - Düne - 63.880 %
- 15. Markus Waterhues - Don Jos - 63.720 %
- 16. Katrin Bettenworth - Sachsenkönig - 63.640 %
- 17. Ludger Konig - Orly's way - 63.600 %
- 18. Bianca Kasselmann - Leopard - 63.360 %
- 19. Stefanie Kerner - Ricon - 61.880 %
- 20. Hiltrud Mormann - Regent - 61.800 %
- 21. Bodo Haase - Rubens K - 59.440 %
- 22. Bernd Nothen - Arturo - 58.360 %
2006 German Championships for Professional Dressage Riders - Finals with Horse Change
- 1. Rosenbauer, Falk - 69.259%
- Jamiro Rosso - 71.556%
- Ecu - 68.444%
- Cosmopolitan - 67.778%
- 2. Bettenworth, Kathrin - 66.611%
- Ecu - 69.389%
- Cosmopolitan - 63.056%
- Jamiro Rosso - 67.389%
- 3. Boer, Wieger Derk de - 66.556%
- Cosmopolitan - 69.056%
- Jamiro Rosso - 65.111%
- Ecu - 65.500%