The 2008 Vechta auction year came to a close with the 2008 Winter Mixed Sales. The 3-year old dark bay Sir Donnerhall x Roadster offspring Stanford was the price highlight of the collection
, selling for 75,000 euro to horse dealer Johan Ifverson in Sweden.
Second most expensive horse was RSB Dryander, a liver chestnut Donnerschwee x Alabaster x Freiherr son. The Luxembourg Sascha Schulz acquired him for 50,000 euro. Schulz's business partner Michel Waehnert and Verena Heinz of LUX-dressage purchased Shantaram (by Sir Donnerhall x Rohdiamant) for 30,000 euro.
American Nancy Gooding of Plum Creek Hollow farm bought the most expensive brood mare. For 12,000 euro she got the State Premium Mare Ronda Gold (by Carry Gold x Landor S). Most expensive young stallion was Sammy Davis, a Samarant x Don Cardinale son.
Sixty-nine riding horses, 9 young stallions and nine brood mares were sold in Vechta. The average price for a sport horse was 14,500 euro. Almost 50% of all horses sold abroad. The average price for a brood mare was 10,000 euro. The 2,5 year old young stallions sold for an average price of 9,862 euro.
Photo © Tammo Ernst