The article "Dressage to Become a Blood Sport" has generated tremendous respons and reactions from dressage riders and lovers all over the whole who are firmly against the proposed blood rule which is about to be passed by the FEI Dressage Committee.
The only way to oppose it and to prevent dressage from becoming a sport in which blood on a horse is accepted is by voicing your opinion and convincing your national federation (!!) that they have to vote against the proposed blood rule at the 2011 FEI General Assembly in Rio mid November.
You can help in bring back sense to dressage by signing the petition at http://no-fei.com
Major dressage sponsor Antonia Ax:son Johnson as well as German WEG team rider Anabel Balkenhol and her mother Judtih Balkenhol, Canadian Pan Am team rider Diane Creech, IDRC secretary-general Wayne Channon, British WEG team rider Fiona Bigwood, amongst many others
For more related articles about the "Blood Rule" read:
Dressage to Become a Blood Sport?!
A Slip of the Tongue
Photo © Hippiaden.com