Forty-three American combinations have applied for consideration for the US Dressage Team that will compete at the 2012 Olympic Games in London, Great Britain, on 2 - 9 August 2012. The U.S. Olympic selection trials take place at the National Dressage Championships in Gladstone, NJ, on 8-10 June and 13-17 June 2012.
The United States is eligible to send a team of three horses and one reserve to the Games.
The List of declared applicants includes:
Elizabeth Armstrong-Powers and Parsifal
April Atwell and Pavarottie
Elisabeth Austin and Olivier
Elizabeth Ball and Orion
Katherine Bateson-Chandler and Nartan
Jennifer Baumert and Don Principe
David Blake and Ikaros
David Blake and Lord Albert
Susan Blinks and Robin Hood
Heather Blitz and Paragon
Elaine Cordia-van Reesema and Jewel's Adelante
Susan Dutta and Currency DC
Jan Ebeling and Rafalca
Todd Flettrich and Otto
Todd Flettrich and Sopranos
Elena Golubitsky and Adesco C
Elena Golubitsky and Takaimo 000
Shawna Harding and Come on III
Christopher Hickey and Douglas Hilltop
Tami Hoag and Lonestar
Susan Jaccoma and Wadamur
James Koford and Pharoah
James Koford and Rhett
Tina Konyot and Calecto V
Adrienne Lyle and Wizard
Kimberly McGrath and Winslow
Arlene Page and Wild One
Cesar Parra and Van the Man
Marina Parris-Woodhead and Pandorra
Steffen Peters and Legolas
Steffen Peters and Ravel
Adrienne Pot and R-Tistik
Michael Poulin and Dicaprio
Michael Puolin and Thor M
Kathleen Raine and Breanna
Shelly Reichardt and Welttaenser
Lauren Sammis and Sagacious HF
Guenter Seidel and Fandango
Pierre St. Jacques and Lucky Tiger
Melissa Taylor and Schumacker Solyst
Anna Whitfield-Watkins and Cipriani
Anna Whitfield-Watkins and Oublette
David Wightman and Partous
Photo © Phelpsphotos.com
Related Links
Eurodressage Coverage of the 2012 Olympic Games
2012 U.S. National Championships to Serve as Olympic Team Qualifier