Ali Potasky, of New Hampshire and Florida, was recently awarded a grant from The Dressage Foundation's Renee Isler Dressage Support Fund to participate in a clinic with Denmark’s Morten Thomsen. Ali used the $340 grant to ride in the clinic with Lamborghini, owned by Jocelyn Wiese.
Ali’s goal for the clinic was to receive help with piaffe and passage work. She said, “I have been competing Lamborghini for more than a year and I wanted another set of eyes to help me as I prepared for my first CDI. I had a great lesson with Morten and he packed the forty-five minutes full of helpful exercises. I was impressed by his attention to detail and quiet demeanor around the horse.”
However, the end result was much different than she expected. “The most exciting part of the experience was when he called a week later and invited me to come to Denmark! I could not be more thrilled and excited to have this opportunity,” said Ali. “Thanks in part to The Dressage Foundation and the Renee Isler Dressage Support Fund for making this possible.”
Since 2008, the Renee Isler Dressage Support Fund has provided over $40,000 in grants/scholarships to support young riders, the USDF Jr/YR Clinic Series, and dressage professionals.
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