Inaugural 2013 CDI London Cancelled?

Thu, 04/04/2013 - 12:35
British Dressage News

Yesterday Eurodressage published the relocation of the venue of the 2013 CDI London from Kensington to the International Quarter, adjacent to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London. Today British Dressage notified Eurodressage that the 2013 CDI London will not be taking place, most likely.

The organization, led by Peter Phillips of Sports & Entertainment Ltd (SEL-UK) for the Global Champions Tour, will only be holding a CSI show jumping at the event, despite the planned CDI4 * still being officially listed on the FEI calendar.

"They are hopeful of dressage in coming years but definitely not for this year," British Dressage's communication manager Winnie Murphy told Eurodressage.

Dane Rawlins, who is responsible for organizing the dressage part of the show, says the show is not yet cancelled but struggling to find sponsors. "At present, the CDI is not cancelled," he told eurodressage. "However, the CDI is at risk we are doing our best to secure further sponsorship, we should know within the next two weeks.  If there are any sponsors who would like to be involved, please ask them to contact me."

Andrew Finding, chief executive of the British Equestrian Federation, told Eurodressage that "there are currently, sadly, no plans to include a CDI unless some sponsorship materialises. The organising committee is looking to see if a Dressage demonstration can be included but this is not a certainty and is thus not confirmed."

The FEI is not aware that event is struggling to take place.

"FEI operates the online calendar according to information received from the relevant National Federation", FEI's press officer Grania Willis told Eurodressage. "When an event is cancelled or modified there is a special form that the NF fills in and sends to the FEI. No changes are made to the calendar until the official form has been received."

Related Link
Inaugural 2013 CDI London To Take Place Near Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park