The D-line offspring has dominated the 2013 German Foal Championships held in Lienen, Germany, on 12 - 14 July 2013. A Destano colt and De Niro filly were crowned winners of this well attended foal championship.
In the colt category Kerstin Blieber's colt by Destano out of an Eskardo dam received the champion's sash. Josef Ludwig Brinkhus' Apache x De Niro colt followed as runner up and Frank Grote's colt by Bordeaux x Sandro Hit finished third.
In the filly division Martin Otten bred the champion. She is by De Niro x Sandro Hit. The runner up was Manuela and Carsten Ahlf's Quasar de Charry x Hohenstein. Alfons Harren's filly by Foundation x Sandro Hit moved into third place.
Photos © LL-foto.de (image gallery at the bottom of this page)
Results - 2013 German Foal Championships
- 1. Destano x Eskardo - Owner: Dressurstall Sandbrink
- 2. Apache x De Niro - Owner: Josef Ludwig Brinkhus
- 3. Bordeaux x Sandro hit - Owner:Frank Grote
- 4. Furst Piccolo x Don Bedo - Owner: Nortbert Grittern
- 5. Hochadel x Rotspon - Owner: Bernhard and Nadine Venhaus
- 6. Rubin Royal x Londonderry - Owner: Ferdinand Mayer
- 7. For Romance x Contendro I - Owner: Dieter Schmidt
- 8. Furst Romancier x Sandro Hit - Owner: Friederike Rehkamp
- 9. De Niro x Sandro Hit - Owner: Frank Moormann
- 10. Don Juan de Hus x Stedinger - Owner: Helmut Gieseker
- 1. De Niro x Sandro Hit - Owner: Martin Otten
- 2. Quasar de Charry x Hohenstein - Owner: Manuela and Carsten Ahlf
- 3. Foundation x Sandro Hit - Owner: Alfons Harren
- 4. Franziskus x Wolkentanz I - Owner: Frank Klakow
- 5. Franziskus x Stedinger - Owner: Heinz Bern Schumacher
- 6. San Amour x Fidertanz - Owner: Andreas Klinker
- 7. Rock Forever x San Schufro - Owner:Gabor Szecsi
- 8. Dankeschon x Cordino - Owner: Carmen Koop
- 9. Destano x Wolkentanz I - Owner: Johann Martens
- 10. Bon Bravour x Carry Gold - Owner: Josef Gravenhorst
Related Links
First Foals Qualified for 2013 German Championship at Melle and Verden Foal Show
Franziskus and Quintender Sire 2012 German Foal Champions
Furstenball and Surprice Sire Champions at 2011 German Foal Championship in Lienen