Representatives from National Federations on four continents made impassioned pleas for HRH Princess Haya to reverse her decision not to stand for a third term as FEI President during today’s FEI General Assembly in Montreux (SUI).
The calls came after 100 National Federations signed a petition requesting the convening of an extraordinary general assembly as soon as possible for the purpose of amending the Statutes in order to prolong the term of the FEI President.
Princess Haya excused herself from the discussions, stating that it was inappropriate for her to be in the room when issues of governance relating to the Presidency were being debated.
Representatives from Belgium, Mauritius, Sudan, Chinese Taipei, USA and Jamaica made passionate speeches, calling on Princess Haya to reconsider the decision not to seek a third term when her Presidency ends in November 2014.
“It’s ironic to think that, from the media perspective, we were told that we would be coming here to seek her resignation, but in reality we’re seeking her return,” United States Equestrian Federation Secretary General John Long said.
Following the speeches, Princess Haya returned to a standing ovation from delegates.
The Bureau, which met immediately after the General Assembly, has agreed that the extraordinary general assembly will be held on the second day of the FEI Sports Forum in Lausanne (SUI) on 29 April 2014.
-- FEI press release
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