German B-Team Grand Prix rider Uta Gräf and her long-time partner Stephan Schneider got married in a small, private ceremony on Monday 16 December 2013.
Graf and Schneider have been a couple for approximately 20 years and decided to legalize their union in an intimate ceremony.
The pair runs Gut Rothkirchenhof together, a dressage and rehabilitation center. Gräf is an international Grand Prix dressage rider and Schneider is a veterinarian with a passion for doma vaquera. They are strong believers in natural horsemanship and turnout of their horses.
The duo will throw a big wedding party in the summer.
Photo © Birte Ostwald
Related Links
Uta Graf and Stefan Schneider, a Kingdom for a Horse
Good House Keeping: Finding the Right Balance in the Management of Dressage Horses
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