The USEF announced the 2014 USEF/USET Foundation Dressage Pipeline Clinics through gift from USET Foundation Trustee Betsy Juliano and Havensafe Farm. The purpose of the clinics is to showcase the U.S. dressage pipeline of riders and horses in one clinic with the four USEF National Dressage Coaches.
The national coaches are Robert Dover, USEF Chef d'Equipe/Technical Advisor; Debbie McDonald, USEF Developing Coach; Scott Hassler, USEF Young Horse Coach, and Jeremy Steinberg, USEF Youth Coach
With all four coaches working together, the clinics will demonstrate the harmonization of the various coaching programs. A clinic will take place on both coasts, beginning on the East Coast, January 28-29, 2014 at the Global Dressage Grounds in Wellington, Fla. The dates and location of the West Coast clinic are to be determined.
Each coach will work with three riders for their respective program for a total of 12 riders. The clinic will kick off each day with a rider fitness session followed by individual mounted training sessions. There will be two coaches assigned for each individual mounted training session with two rings running simultaneously. In the late afternoon, riders will participate in Sports Psychology sessions. Additionally, riders, as well as the horse owners and trainers of the invited riders, will participate in an evening discussion on media, owner, and sponsor relations, led by a panel of experts in those fields.
The training sessions of the USEF/USET Foundation Dressage Pipeline Clinics will be open to auditors. There will be a minimal fee and applications will be available on USEF website in January 2014.
Photo © Sigrid Wolff
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