Italian Grand Prix rider Silvia Rizzo has started a new chapter in her dressage career with a new Grand Prix horse, the gorgeous dark bay Lusitano stallion Sal. She will begin her exciting adventure in Wellington, Florida, by competing in the relaxed, yet high class atmosphere on the 2014 Dressage in Florida CDI show circuit.
Always in search of having fun with dressage horses at top level sport, Rizzo found her pick amongst the Lusitanos, which are known for being beautiful, trainable and uncomplicated. Rizzo's choice quickly fell on the experienced Grand Prix horse Sal (by Mississipe x Golega), bred by Quinta dos Pimenteis and professionally trained and successfully competed internationally.
Finding Sal not far from her doorstep Hof Marabunta in Bissendorf, Germany, Rizzo said it was love at first sight. "He is so relaxed and easy to ride, but still has that spunk to shine in the show ring," said Silvia. "He has a brilliant piaffe and passage and gives me confidence and joy in the saddle."
Rizzo was able to obtain the ride on Sal thanks to a partnership between Hof Marabunta and Sal's owner Sergio Davide of International Gusto Equino.
Silvia's number one Grand Prix horse, the licensed Oldenburg stallion Donnerbube 2, will end his competitive career this year and will do one more retirement show to end in style. The impressive dark bay stallion will be standing at stud and his valuable genetics by the legendary Donnerhall x Pik Bube II will become available to breeders world wide. Donnerbube 2 has been instrumental to Silvia's career as a dressage rider taking her to the most exciting shows on the planet, from Wellington, Florida, to Doha, Qatar.
"Donnerbube 2 really challenged me as a dressage rider and I learnt so much from him. I had to channell his temperamental stallion behaviour into making him shine at international Grand Prix level," Rizzo explained. "He has been a nutty professor to me and really gave me a taste of the international dressage sport. I now want to take the best I learnt on him and continue my dressage dream on Sal."
Totally in the spirit of her motto that dressage should be fun, Silvia has designed a new freestyle based on the popular music by Pharell Williams. Rizzo will be putting some funk into Florida as she and Sal will make their show debut next week at the Global Dressage Festival in Wellington on 24 - 26 January 2014.
Photos © Astrid Appels - Sue Stickle
Related Links
Eurodressage Photo Database: Sal
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